Chapter 3: The Fortune Cookie

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    There he was, just standing there. Ugh, it made me sick. Why was he here, I mean c’mon out of places?! What was worst of all is that he’s still how I remembered him. But of course, he’s hit puberty.

    Of course.

    He still had the deep sea blue eyes, that all the girls loved (in middle school), he still had the dirty blonde hair (which I think is very common), but this time it was up in a quiff, which was strange. Last time I saw him it was brushed to the side. But again, that was in middle school. And whoa has he gotten tall! He looked at least 6 foot, which was super intimidating because I’m here 5’7, but oh well.

    He still had that smirk that works on most girls, but not me. I can’t believe he was here. Ugh… why? First my boyfriend, and then Kelly, and the cherry on top: Luke Hemmings. But then I saw something… no… really?

    Luke Hemmings had a piercing. What? Where have I been…I mean a piercing right in his lip. Ouch.

    He was wearing signature 8- pleat broadcloth point collar with a white formal dress shirt, which actually fitted him quite well. He had a self-tie black bow tie, and honestly it seemed kind of cricked but I decided not to mention anything. Not to mention the fact that he was wearing trousers! Luke Hemmings wearing signature black tuxedo pleated trousers, wow. Never would have guessed.

    I looked up from his trousers instantly because knowing Luke he’d think I was ‘checking him out’. Impossible.

     “Crazy seeing you here,” he stated, sliding his hands in his pockets. I nodded casually, trying to stay by Emma so incase I ever wanted to jump him she would stop me. I wonder who would win in that fight… I’m pretty hardcore.

    “Not like I’d ever want to…” I whispered to myself, but Luke heard it anyway, and laughed. Why was that so funny?

    “Well… um… Nicole, care to join me to the ladies room?” Emma asked me.

     “Why don’t you just go by yourself?” Luke asked, Emma dropped her jaw at his interference.

     “Why don’t you just do us all a favor and stop talking please Luke, okay?” I snapped. “Sure, let’s go.” I grabbed Emma’s wrist gently and headed towards the bathroom. The downstairs was pretty small so it was easy to find it. Not only that but there was a WOMEN’S RESTROOM sign to help us out.

     “Who the hell is he?” Emma whispered once we got into the bathroom. I had no idea why she was whispering, no one was in here. I put my hands to my face and shook my head. “Nicole?” Emma asked again.

    “No one, he’s no one. But if he ever comes near me again just… grab my wrist and lead my ass the other way. Okay?” She nodded.

     “You guys don’t seem to like each other…” She noted.

     “Is it really that obvious?” I said sarcastically, this is what I do when I’m nervous. Not like Luke makes me nervous, but… ugh I don’t know I hate his guts so much I start acting weird.

    “Can you just tell me what happened between you two?” She whined.

     “Maybe some other time, let’s just say… he’s a complete and total asshole, and you should want nothing to do with him.” I informed. Emma nodded slowly, and sighed. I know this is bad timing, but she really did look pretty tonight. Not like she never looks pretty, it’s Emma she’s gorgeous. But blue really was her color. She looked like a scared little girl once I started snapping at Luke. Oops.

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