Chapter 5: Your Promise Partner Is...

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     I was outside a little café a few blocks from the school. After Emma and Charlie left, I got dressed, texted Luke, and walked here. My stomach was twisting and turning, it’s not like I was nervous. I just didn’t want to see him; all the memories of the past are still with me. I bet he doesn’t even remember. He probably doesn’t; I want that important to him.

    And then I saw him, he was walking over to me, wearing a black shirt that I remember my brother talking about. I’m pretty sure it says: Destroy Yourself, See Who Gives a Fuck.

    Classy Luke, real classy.

     His hair was in a quiff once again, I wonder if that’s a common hair-do for him. The last time I saw him… No, Nicole, don’t bring up the past. Apart of me being in therapy, I’ve learned that I need to live in the “now”, which is pretty fucking stupid if you ask me. I’m pretty sure if I steal something from grocery stores constantly, and a year later I get caught (once I’ve stopped), living in the now won’t be a good enough excuse.

     But hey, you never know.

    Luke looked over at me and smiled, as he continued to walk over to me. He sat in one of the uncomfortable seats outside of the café, where we were sitting down outside.

    “What’s up?” He asked me, when he sat down. What’s up? I thought. This is the first time we’re alone together since…. And this is what he says? What’s up?! Oh man, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve wanted to slap that boy.

     I nodded over to the fortune cookies I set down on the table, and he sighed as he reached over and grabbed one.

     “Other one,” I said, as he of course grabbed mine. What are the odds?

      “Why not this one?” He asked, his eyebrow raised.

      “Because, I told you to grab the other one.” I replied, reaching over the table and grabbing the fortune cookie out of his hands. Which in return, I was given a famous eye roll from Luke. He grabbed the other fortune cookie and opened it up, not even taking a second glance at the crumbs that were falling to the floor.  

      “Your promise partner is…” He said and looked up.

     Yes, that was it. That was Emma’s really stupid idea. But points for creativity? We all discussed that it doesn’t matter how I tell him, as long as I do, and our plan to make Brent regret what he did will follow soon after.

     So we made our own fortunes, skipped a little class, and slid it inside a cookie. The fortune said: Your promise partner is… and then comes a little tiny arrow on the slip, pointing directly at me.

    I could tell from Luke’s face that he didn’t like it whatsoever, but like I would give two fucks what he thinks? Ugh… he makes me so…

     “This is it?” He asked, slightly annoyed.

     “Excuse me?”

     “Aren’t you supposed to actually take this seriously?” He asked.

      “Fuck off,” I said, and stood up. “You read my lips, I wasn’t excited about this whole situation either okay, hot shot? I was just as disappointed as you, maybe more. But, just get excited because that means we’re going to win, right?” He opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him, “ugh, you, you just… you make me so…” He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “Ugh!” I finished and walked away.

    I don’t know why, but that boy… he just… I can’t even speak when I’m with him all I want to do is bang his head against a telephone pole.

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