Addiction - post-traumatic-tragedy's submission

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  "I wish people understood afflicts better. like? "How could you do that to yourself" "you're too young to have a serious problem" sweaTS Lol it's not like the vast majority of addicts are survivors of trauma n abuse. it's not like every single addict is mentally ill and fuckin struggling. but to society we're just morons who ruined our own lives, the punchlines in jokes, all that crap. substance use disorder is more common than people think, and it has higher comorbidity rates than people ptsd feeds into my substance use a lot, for example. I started drinking around two years ago when I was 14-15, and figured I could control it. lmao well fast forward to when my ptsd symptoms got worse. the constant flashbacks, the mind-numbing dissociation, the unwarranted anxiety attacks, not to mention the goddamn body memories. ptsd is HELL and i couldn't, n still can't, handle it and so I turned to substance use. by the time you realize there's a Real problem, it's usually far too late. We're not idiots. We're human, and we got trapped"  

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