Hospital... again

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                                                                         Nathan's POV

       Spencer had left to go to the bathroom. I just kept talking with Tom since he was across from me. I glanced up to check on Spenc and she had run into a guy. Not just any guy. Derek. I must have been staring because Tom asked me what  I was looking at. He turned his head around just in time to see Derek slap Spencer causing her to stumble back and fall threw the bathroom door.  Tom and I stood up immediately and ran over there, making Max, Siva and Jay turn to us. They couldn't see why we were going over there, since she fell threw the door all you could see was her feet.

       We were over there in a second on top of Derek. We were throwing punches at every angle trying to hurt him in any way possible for slapping Spencer. Tom stopped after Max told him to. I couldn't help it though. I kept swinging my arms at him, even though he was already on the ground. Max and Siva pulled me off of him. I looked around the room for Jay. I saw him leaning down next to Spencer inspecting the bruise on her face. The owners of the Nandos called 911 for Spencer and Derek since he was beaten to pulp after me and Tom had our way with him.

       When the ambulance and cops arrived they took Derek into custody and it turns out he was wanted for drug dealing, probation violations, and not coming to his court dates. The police had him ride in the ambulance since he was so banged up. They told us to carry Spencer into our car and drive to the same hospital. The cops said they wouldn't arrest Tom and I because if it wasn't for us he could have gotten away. Pheww! I couldn't help but be worried about Spenc. I honestly can't believe he would hit his own sister.  I feel a little bit better about him though now knowing that he is in the hospital because of Tom and I and he most likely will be in jail/prison for a while.

We were currently in the car waiting for Jay to bring out Spencer. I was kind of pissed that he carried her instead of me. I know he likes her too. I can't tell if Tom does at this point, whether he is just being his flirty self or actually cares about her.

"She hit her head when she fell threw the door." Jay announced as he set her down across his and Siva's lap as Max drove us to the hospital.

"Who was that guy?" Siva asked. Should I tell them? I will just tell them a little and have Spenc tell them the rest.

"Her brother. You should have Spencer tell you about her life though." They nodded there heads.

"I feel bad for the poor girl. She has been to the hospital twice already in one day." Max said as he drove.

"I know we have only known her for a day but she is really like family to me now." Tom admitted. Good, now I know he was being brotherly protective not boyfriend protective.

We all muttered 'same heres' and' yeahs' and' true dats'.

Once we got to the hospital, we saw a cleaner looking Derek walking out with two police men on his left and right holding his arms behind his back by his hand-cuffs. I smirked and he glared at me.

Since she had a head injury we went to the ER. They wouldn't let anyone in after Jay set her down on the cott bed thing. We were in the waiting room hoping that she wasn't in a coma or anything. After about a half an hour a doc came out towards us.

"Are you here for Spencer Basion?" I jumped up and nodded my head. He told us we could see her know and she would only be out for a couple hours because of the pills he gave her. He also told us she had some drugs in her system that could have killed her and she would have been dead if we didn't get her here any sooner.  Oh my god! Is that why she was acting weird after we got out of the hospital earlier?

"Are the drugs still in her!?" Jay and I asked at the same time. Jinx!

"Oh no! Not the bad ones anyway. We ran an IV to clean out her blood. Just pain pills for the time being. You boys really need to be more careful with her. You have already been here twice today both times for a head injury!" He ranted at us. We all put our heads down being dissapointed in ourselves for not watching out for her.

       We went home and cleaned up the house for when Spenc gets back. We got a call from a nurse saying we could come get her now and she was awake.  Siva and Tom stayed at home while Max, Jay, and I went to grab Spencer.

"So guys can I ask you something?" Jay asked as he scratched the back of his curls.

"You just did, mate!" Max responded.

"Okay, then another question." He seemed...... nervous?

"So I was thinking and I really like Spencer." He said. 

Hey! Madi here! What will there reactions be? Tell me who you ship Spenc with! Nathan? Jay? Someone else??? :) Love you all! I can't believe over 1,000 reads! I thought I would have gotten 300 at the most! I am always open to suggestions..... :D  eye <3 u!

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