Flirting Games?

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                                                                             Siva's POV

       The next day I woke up to find that Spencer wasn't next to me anymore. I figured she woke up eary again. She seemed to sleep okay with me considering she has insomnia. I rolled out of bed and got dressed and fixed my quiff. I walked downstairs and saw Spencer making us breakfast.  She is such a sweetheart. Later today I am going to ask Jay and Nathan about the cheeky buisness with her. I have noticed their flirting and was glad that she brought it up last night.

"Hey Spenc, I am going to ask Nath and Jay about the flirting tonight." I told her since we were the only ones up.

"Sounds like a deal. Jayne called and said you guys have a radio gig at 12:00 PM through 2:00 PM next to a pool today." She told me. It was only 8:30 so I will get ready around nine thirty.

"Okay, did she say if you can go?" I asked her.

"No, but I'm alright. I wanted to check out this new coffee house downtown. " She responded.

"Okay. Be safe when you go though and keep yours eyee peeled for anything strange." I said hinting about her father and his gang. I really didn't want her to go, but I know I can't say anything about that knowing she is very responsible and will watch her own back.

"I will bring my phone, and I will call big Kev if anything creepy or odd happens." She told me.

       Spencer went up stairs to get all the guys awake to get ready. I put the food on plates for everyone and set them on the coffee table since we always ate breakfast their as we watch TV and talk about our day. I am going to tell Jaythan after the concert when Spenc isn't around.

                                                                     Spencer's POV

       I woke up Nathan first since he takes so long to get ready. Then Jay, Max, and Tom. I told them to go downstairs and eat and then get ready before their food got cold. Yikes! listen to me! I sound like a mom! I don't want kids. I hope that doesn't bug Nathan. Wait Nathan!? Why Nath!? What about Jay? I need to stop thinking like this.

       After I got finished eating I went upstairs and got ready for the coffeehouse. When I was walking around I saw a ton of ads about it. There are supposed to be bands/singers opening for some big act that they won't announce yet. I'm excited! When I got downstairs the guys were all ready to leave and we all said our byes. Max told me to call Big Kev every hour so he would know I was okay.  I agreed.

       A couple minutes after they left I was on my way to the coffee house. I walked because 1 I don't have my driver's license and 2 It was on our side of the city. By our side I mean the less touristy side of London which was further away from where we live. After I had been walking for about ten minutes I got a text from a blocked number. It read.

You look so grown since I last saw you.

And then I got a picture of myself  from yesterday when I was walking around. Creepy... It must have something to do with my dad. If I call Kev I won't get to go to the coffeehouse. Plus he has more important things to do right now than worry about me. I deceided to ignore it and if I got one overwhelmingly creepy I would call Big Kev. 

       When I got to the coffeehouse there were about 60 people there. It had room for about 150 people without being to clustered together. I ordered a vanilla tea and a donut. I was playing on my phone and waiting for the music to start when someone tapped my shoulder.  I turned around and I didn't see anyone except for a guy in a black hoodie turned around at a table a couple feet away from me. Weird.

       It was 12:42 PM when the music started, and I got another text.

Tell Big Kev, G boy and Curly get it.

     So it must be my dad or one of his friends. I can always text Kev and he won't know who I'm talking to. I can text Kev every hour instead of calling so they don't hurt Jay and Nathan. Okay good plan. I will text Kev until the shows over and then I will get a taxi home.

       As I was sitting there this cute girl came over and asked if she could sit by me. I said yeah not wanting to be rude. A half an hour later we were already best friends! She was very sweet. Her name was Jade and she was 19.  I told her about my dad and the texts so she would know what was going on since we both knew she and I would be friends for a long time. It was getting easier to tell people my life story after doing it a couple of times. It's like a badge of bravery to me now, instead of something to be ashamed of.

       It was 2:30 PM when the final act was about to start. The boys went out to get some food and then they had to talk to their management about bringing me to concerts and such.

"Hello everyone! Please welcome-"

Hey! I won't be updating for a while because I am going to my cabin tomorrow morning and we don't have internet there. :( Who do you think the mystery singer/band is? Hmmm... I keep trying to add the pic of Jade but it isn't working :( Is there a good site for pics for chapters for Wattpad? If you know one please comment it! :D I love you! I ded to people who comment :)

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