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                                                                      Spencer's POV

       The guys wanted to make me dinner, so they made me go upstairs and shower and dress fancy. I swear their planning something! I was walking upstairs when a hand covered my mouth and grabbed my waist frm behind and shut the door. Shit.

                                                                      Nathan's POV

       I was going to give Spencer a promise ring, so the guys were making us a 'fancy' dinner. Probably gonna be cup of noodles in nice bowls. I chuckled at the thought. We made Spenc go upstairs to shower and dress up. I was a nervous wreck. I hope she doesn't think it's too soon. I know I love her, and I am pretty sure she feels the same way.  I never thought I would fall in love with someone in just a month in a half.

                                                                     Spencer's POV

     I tried to look up and I saw my dad and his two friends. They put my dresser in front of the door. I tried to scream, it didn't work because of his hand over my mouth.

"Spencer shut up. The rest of the gang are outside in the car waiting for us to finish. We won't hesitate to call them and tell them to hurt G boy. K?" I nodded me head. I don't care what happens to me. They just can't hurt Nathan. Or the rest of them. I won't let that happen.

       My dad pulled out a pocket knife and I saw that his friends he brought each had guns in their front pockets. He handed me over to one of the guys and he put duct tape over my mouth. I tried to make him stop, he just said "It isn't because we don't trust you, this is gonna hurt baby." Why don't they just shoot me in the head already. It can't hurt that bad. I'll die instantly.

       He got the tape on my mouth and they threw me on the bed. I had flashbacks of what my dad said when Nathan yelled at him on the phone. Please no. Just kill me. Don't rape me. I thought.

They started undressing me. I was screaming, yet it was muffled do to the tape on my mouth. I had tears streaming down my face. I tried to push them off. It was useless. Once I lye there naked, my dad started undoing his buckle. I was whimpering  knowing what was going to happen.  The guys were holding me down and touching me. I felt my dad thrust in. Hard. I screamed as loud as possible. I heard someone coming up the stairs. My dad ripped the tape off my mouth.

"Hey, Spenc you okay?" It was Tom. My dad told me to go with what he said.

"Yeah, I just saw a spider. Sorry! Im still changing." It was hard to say do to the fact that my dad had just been raping me.

"Okay. Be ready in 20 minutes." Then I heard him go back downstairs. After my dad went his friends had their turn.

"Bye bye sweetheart. you were better than I had expected" I heard my dad say while he covered me with a blacket. Then I saw his friend's hand from behind with the pocket knife. He slit me throat. My last thought was.

Nathan please forgive me. I love you.

Broken BeautyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora