Celestia's Journey

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I'm currently in my room, lying on my bed

'I'm so bored'

I decide to walk around the palace

I leave my room and start walking. While I walk, I spot my older sister, Cosmica, on the balcony, staring at the view in front of her. I walk towards her

"Hi sis, what are you doing out here?" I ask

"Oh hi Celestia, I was just enjoying the view before going to Fairy Tail" she responds

"Fairy Tail? You mean the place at earth where you and Leo hang out?" i ask

"Yup. I asked Leo to go with me to check on Constella and the others"

"Oh right, it may have only been a few hours for us, but for her, she's been there for a few weeks"

"Yeah. Sometimes the time difference between our two worlds is a hassle" Cosmica sighs

"Is it that bad?" I ask

"When Leo and I are down there, we could stay long periods of time that it won't affect our works here, but when we're here, even for just a few hours, our friends down on earth will feel like they haven't seen us for so long. Not only that, but the other spirits have less time for themselves. *Sigh* I wish we could do something about it sometimes" Cosmica explains

'Is there even a way to do that?'

"Well anyway, I better find Leo. Bye" Cosmica smiles as she waves goodbye

"Bye Cosmi" I wave back

'I wonder what earth is like'

Then an idea pops in my mind

"Maybe I should go check it out. Who knows, I might like it" I say

I leave my room to go see the king

Once I reach my father's throne room I go inside

"Hello, father" I greet with a bow

"Hello to you too Celestia" my father sats, returning my greeting

"Father" I call

"What is it Celestia?" my father looks at me curiously

"May I have your permission to go to earth?" I ask

"Hmm? What for? You want to visit Constella?"

"That's one of the reasons I suppose"

"Hmm? What's the other reasons?" my father ask in confusion

"I want have more adventures and excitement in my immortal life. I want to go on a journey and find another piece of me" I explain

"*Sigh* you and your sisters are really maturing *Chuckle*. Once you go to earth, your life will change forever, just like your sisters, do you still want to go?"

"Yes" I answer seriously

"I also want you to be happier, if going to earth will make you happier then I can't get in the way of that"

"Really?" I respond

"Your sisters face a lot of obstacles and challenges along the way and there's no doubt that you'll meet come across them too"

"I know. But Cosmica and Constella still managed to go through all the obstacles in their path, so I'll do the same. They can't have all the fun"

"Alright then"

"Thank you father" I bow

"But please do be careful and come back safely" father says worriedly

"Yes father. I'll come back once I'm done exploring the place for a bit" I boredly

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