Breaking The Boundaries (Part 1)

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As I run. I catch sight of Loke's back up ahead. I quicken my pace

When I get near him, he turns sideways, revealing Cosmica. Their eyes are closed.....kissing passionately💧

"Ehem" I cough, in an effort to get their attention

They stop and look at me

"Erza?!" Loke says in surprise

"You're okay!" Cosmica smiles in relief

"So you defeated Corvus and his clones?" Loke asks

I nod

"What about you two? What are you two doing? And where are the others?" I ask as I narrow my eyes at them

"Oh. We have our own challenge to face. It's a long story" Cosmica blushes

"The others went on ahead" Loke points at the path in front of us

"If you're done with your so called challenge. Why are you two still here? Plus, making out in the middle of the forest" I point out

"We just finished helping the mermaids" Cosmica says in disgust

"Wait, mermaid?" I look at them in confusion

"Yeah. And since our date eatlier was cut short. We thought to continue it now" Loke says as the two look at each other lovingly

"Well sorry to cut it again. But we have to go" I say


As the three of us walk. We hear a loud sound

"What was that?" I ask

"It must be the others" Loke suggests

We quickly run faster. As soon as we get to the spot where we heard the sound. There we see Natsu, happy, and a beaten up spirit

"Natsu! Happy!" we call as we run towards them

"Huh?" they turn around and smilez once they see us

"Oh hey guys. You finally made it" Natsu shows a toothy grin

"Wait. You guys faced their leader, Orion?" Loke asks, surprised as he look at the spirit

"Of course he did" Happy says proudly

"He stood no chance against me" Natsu brags

"Then shall we go?" Cosmica asks

"Wait. But what about him?" I point at the spirit

"Plus, Natsu is badly hurt, he needs rest" Happy says worriedly

"Hm. Just a moment. I'll be right back" Cosmica says as she disappears from sight

Five seconds later, she comes back with a long magic vehicle. Enough to fit all of us. Including gray and the rest

"Here you go princess" Scorpio says as be comes out from the other side of the vehicle

"Thanks for your help Scorpio" Cosmica smiles

"Anytime princess"

"Yo. Leo. Don't forget about guys night out tomorrow" Scorpio adds as he high fives Loke

"I won't" Loke replies

"Cool. Well then, I'm gonna head back to the Celestial Spirit World"

"Wait, Scorpio. We have one more favor to ask" Cosmica says

"Sure thing. What is it princess?"

"Could you bring Orion back with you?" Loke points at Orion

"Sure. But what is he doing here? And why is he unconcious?" Scorpio sweat drops

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