Caught: Finding Another Way

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"We're here" Leo says as we look at each other lovingly

As we break our gaze out of each other to look at the view

And what we see is quite unexpected

Our jaws drop

"Oh my gosh" I say

"No way"--Loke/Leo

It's not just me and Leo who saw them, I notice the others too

Celestia and Lyon looks at us with widened eyes, they can't utter a single word

"S-See, babe? It did turned out to be a memorable date" Leo says as he turns to look at me a little stiffly....then

Wendy, Carla, and I reach the spot...and what we see is quite surprising

Celestia....and Lyon.....K-K-Kissing?!

"What the" I say


"Can't be"--Carla

I notice that it wasn't just us who saw them, the others here too

Celestia and Lyon looks at us with widened eyes

"I guess you we're right Wendy, it is a sweet view" I turn to her, stiffly....then

"I can't wait to find the treasure" Levy says

"But the more of us are here means the lesser the amount of treasure each one of us will get" Gajeel comments

"That's why I didn't want you coming" I say

"Nonsense" he says

"Nevermind. We're here" I say as I look at the map. Everyone looks at it as well

"Finally" Lisanna says

"The treasure should be right at the middle of the field" Constella says as I lower the map to look at the middle of the field

But what we see is not treasure but it did caught our eyes

Lyon and Celestia....kissing

"What in the world" I say

"Why?" Constella whispers worriedly


"Oh"--Panther Lily

"Not again"--Gajeel

"Juvia's shocked"--Juvia

"Uh oh"--Levy

I notice that we aren't the only ones who saw them, the others are here too

Celestia and Lyon looks at all of us with widened eyes

"I told you so. Who knows what we'll find!" Constella says angrily at me....then

As Lyon and I are kissing, we hear voices around us. Lyon and I look around and see the others

Lyon and I look at them with our eyes widened, we can't even utter a single word....then

Happy and I are chasing after the catapulted Natsu through the forest as he screams

He then lands in a wide and open area in the forest

"Let's hurry Happy!" I say


Fairy Tail: Another Forbidden Love (Lyon x OC) [BOOK 3]Where stories live. Discover now