Chapter 16 "Leave Your Key"

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Shaylynn keeps her word and is back in twenty minutes.
Walking upstairs, she looks straight at Hank, "Well?!" she says.
"Shaylynn I can't give you anything!" Hank tells her.
Shaylynn's pissed, "He's your fucking son-in-law! My husband, Sia's Daddy along with the twins I'm carrying! Now give me the shit!"
"I can't!" Hank says again.
Shaylynn looks over at Ruzek, then back to Hank, "Fine!" she says turning around and storms down the stairs.
"SHAYLYNN!" Hank yells out.
"FORGET IT! I'LL GET MY HUSBAND BACK!" she yells back.
Everyone can hear the cage like door at the bottom of the stairs slam shut.
The rest of Intelligence stands up and grab their coats, "What are you guys doing?" Hank asks them.
"We're going to help!" Alvin tells him.
"Halstead is one of us!" Antonio says.
Everyone starts rushing down the stairs to catch up with Shaylynn.

They reach the outside of the District and see the big black truck is still parked out front, but they see no one is in the front.
All of them walk to the back, Ruzek knocks on the door, Shaylynn opens it pointing her gun at whoever might be on the other side.
"WHOA, SHAYLYNN! We're here to help!" Ruzek tells her.
Shaylynn puts her gun down and back into its holster, "Here's a copy of the video" Ruzek tells her handing her a flash drive.
Shaylynn smiles at him, "Thanks, Adam!" she says then hands it over to Dave.
Dave puts it in the computer and the video starts playing.
Listening to Halstead yelling out in pain pisses off Shaylynn even more.
"Dave, take Jay out so I can hear the background noise!" Butch tells him.
Dave starts messing around with some filters until the sounds of Halstead are gone.
Butch carefully listens to the background sounds, "They're around Alliance Steel!" Butch tells everyone.
"How do you know that?" Antonio asks him.
"I use to work there before I joined the Marines! You never forget the sound of those loud machines!" Butch tells Antonio, "And there's only ONE building around there that has glass blocks for windows!"
Shaylynn looks at Butch with desperation in her eyes, "You're sure?!" she asks him.
Butch turns to her and grabs her hand, "I'm positive!" he tells her.
"Let's get going!" everyone hears Hank say from behind them.
They all turn around and look at him, Shaylynn steps down out of the truck and walks over to him, "I thought you said you couldn't do anything?!"
"Yes! But I never said THEY couldn't do anything!" he tells her nodding toward the rest of Intelligence.
"Let's not worry about any of that! Everyone load up so we can leave!" Butch barks out.
Everyone starts heading to their cars.
Rob gets in the driver seat of the black truck and drives off.
"You're staying in the truck!" Butch tells Shaylynn.
"Not a chance!" Shaylynn tells him as she gets one of the semi-automatic rifles ready.
"Shaylynn!" Butch says.
"You can bitch and piss all you want, Butch but I'm going in! The first person I want Jay to see is me!" she tells him.
"He's going to be pissed when he sees you're in there!" Butch tells her.
"He'll get over it when he's in bed tonight!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Just keep your head about you, will ya!" Butch says.


Parking in the parking lot of the building that's next to the one they're going to, everyone gathers at the black truck.
"What's the plan?" Hank asks.
"We're going in while you guys stay out here!" Butch tells him.
Hank looks into the truck at Shaylynn, "She's going in?" he asks.
"She's not going to stay out! She's too damn stubborn but you know that!" Butch tells him.
Dan and Dave come walking up, "There isn't a lot of cars over there!" Dan says.
"I don't think the boss is here!" Dave tells Butch.
"Right now we're not after the boss! It would have been a bonus if he was here!" Butch tells them, "Is everyone ready?" he asks.
"Good to go!" Rob says.
"Where's Shaylynn?" Butch asks.
"Shit! She's already walking over to the building!" Rob tells Butch.
Butch shakes his head, "Let's go!" walking over to Hank, Butch hands him a radio, "So you can hear what's going on inside!"
They rush over to the building to catch up with Shaylynn.

Five minutes go by and there's no noise.
No gunshots, no chatter on the radio, nothing.
The silence is broken by gunfire erupting inside and then Butch yelling over the radio for everyone to get out of the building.
There's an explosion inside and all the glass block windows explode outward with fireballs coming out.
"SHAYLYNN!" Hank yells into the radio as Antonio radios Main for the Fire Department.
"BUTCH!" Hank yells.
Within five minutes 51 is pulling up.
Hank quickly walks over to Boden, "Chief, I think Meth was being manufactured inside!" Hank tells him as Casey and Severide walk over to them, "Shaylynn, Butch, and the others went in to get Jay out and seeing those five coming for them those assholes must have blown up their lab!" Hank says.
"You let Shaylynn go in?" Severide questions Hank, "Are you out of your mind letting her go in there pregnant?!"
Hank gives Severide a very disapproving glare, "Did you forget who you're talking about? You were married to her at one time! Don't you remember what she's like? She would have gone in if you would have been in there!"
"Alright! Let's stop arguing about this and get in there!" Boden tells Casey and Severide.
"SHAY!" everyone hears Butch yell through the radio sending a chill down all of 51's spines.
Casey starts running toward Truck as Severide runs toward Squad.
"They'll get her and the others out!" Boden tells Hank.
Hank watches as Squad and Truck run into the building.
A few minutes later, Hank and Boden see Mouch and Herrmann helping someone out.
They walk over to the ambulance where Brett helps get the helmet off, it's Rob.
Next to come out is Kidd and Otis helping someone. They walk them over to the ambulance where they help with their helmet, this one is Dan.
Cruz, Tony, and Capp come walking out helping two more. Just by looking at the shapes, Hank can tell neither of them is Shaylynn and that it's Dave and Butch.

Inside the building, Casey and Severide are searching for Shaylynn and Halstead.
"Shaylynn! Call out!" Casey says.
"Shaylynn, damn it! Call out!" Severide says.
He doesn't hear anything until he hears coughing coming from the side.
"It's this way!" Severide tells Casey.
Casey follows Severide into a room where they see Halstead laying on the floor with Shaylynn laying on top of him with bricks laying all over the floor and fire all around.
They both quickly make their way over to them.
Severide grabs onto Shaylynn and picks her up, Casey bends over and grabs Halstead's arm and rolls him over seeing what condition he's in.
"Severide, Jay looks like he's been tortured!" Casey tells him.
Severide looks around and sees four bodies are lying on the floor, "By the looks of these guys karma bit them in the ass once Shaylynn came in here!"
"Jay! Can you hear me?" Casey asks him.
Halstead shakes his head 'yes', "We have to get out of here! Can you walk?" Casey asks him again.
Halstead starts climbing to his feet with the assistance of Casey. When he's finally standing, he stumbles.
Casey grabs his arm and puts it around his neck, "Let's get out of here!" he tells Severide.
Halstead looks and sees Severide's holding someone, "Oh God! Is that Shaylynn?!" Halstead gets out between coughs.
"Let's worry about that once we're outside!" Casey tells him as they follow Severide out.

Finally making it outside, Casey and Severide rush Halstead and Shaylynn over to the ambulance.
Severide lays Shaylynn down on the gurney.
Butch and the others start taking off her suit while Halstead stands by hanging onto Casey.
With all four guys working on her suit, they have it off in no time.
"Her helmet is pretty damaged in the back!" Butch tells Dawson.
Dawson starts looking Shaylynn over, "There were bricks laying all over the floor. Maybe one fell on the back of her helmet" Casey tells her, "We found her laying on top of Jay. She more than likely was protecting him from the blast and fire."
Halstead looks over at Casey with an upsetting look, "When you love someone, you protect them! You know that better than anyone!" Casey tells Halstead.
Dawson pulls out some smelling sauce to see if that at least brings Shaylynn around. She swipes it a few times under her nose.
"Would you get that shit away from me!" Shaylynn blurts out.
Dawson smiles, "How do you feel?" she asks Shaylynn.
"Like bricks are being hurled at my head!" Shaylynn tells her, then she realizes where she is.
"Jay!" Shaylynn says.
"I'm here," he tells her grabbing her hand with his free hand.
Shaylynn looks at him and smiles.
"Let's get you two loaded up!" Dawson says.
Butch, Rob, and the other guys load the gurney into the ambulance.
Dawson gets up into the back followed by Halstead being helped up inside by Casey and Severide.
The doors shut and they head to Med.

At Med, they're looked over.
The babies are fine but Shaylynn's going to have one hell of a headache for the night, while Halstead's lucky he only has bruises and cuts and no broken bones.
After an hour at Med, they're discharged and Hank takes them home.


Walking into the house, Shaylynn shuts the door behind her, "You shouldn't have gone in there!" Halstead tells her.
"I was going to be the one to save you! You saved us (she tells him touching her stomach) so it only seemed right!" Shaylynn tells him, "We were perfectly safe in the suit," she tells him as they walk into the living room.
Halstead sits down on the couch, "You SHOULD NOT have gone in! Even for me!" he tells her again.
"You know what Jay, I'm not in the mood right now to discuss this with you and possibly get into a fight! I'm going upstairs because I imagine that's where Mary is with the kids. When you think about it, why the hell were you the one to go undercover in the first place? You have Sia and twins on the way!" she tells him, "I bet you volunteered, didn't you?"
Halstead doesn't say anything.
"Just as I thought! Before you start to point fingers think about what you've done!" Shaylynn tells him.
"I'm not the one who's pregnant!" Halstead says to her.
Shaylynn gives him a dirty look, "Yes you are! You might not be physically pregnant, but you're still pregnant!" she tells him, "I'm heading upstairs before this goes any further!
If you leave, leave your key on the foyer table. First thing in the morning find a lawyer if you walk out that door!" she says walking toward the stairs.
Halstead watches as Shaylynn walks up the stairs.

Love Conquers All, Rage In Chicago #2 (Chicago Fire/Chicago PD)Where stories live. Discover now