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Watching all the girls screaming and rushing towards the car isn't what bothers me. I love my fans. Without them I'd be nothing. What bothers me is the way they put themselves into danger. I wish I could meet and talk to each and every one of them. The reality is I can't. This bothers me at every arena, every time I'm in public, and everytime I'm in a car that could potentially harm one of them. Today is the sixth show of our American based tour. By now you'd think I would have gotten over the anxiety. After touring for the past five years and being on live television more times than I can count, I'm still nervous. Nervous to sing to a sold out stadium, nervous that one of these girls is going to get seriously injured, and nervous that who ever the lucky fan is that won the full backstage access contest is going to do what they all do. Spend the rest of the evening screaming in my face. I don't really mind. I just wish that given the opportunity I could spend an evening talking to one of my fans. Maybe to make me feel better for the other millions I can't personally spend time with, but also because it'd be nice to hear about life on the outside. 

As the car enters into the safe zone where no fans can no longer reach us I feel like a weight has been lifted. Josh, the driver, pulls up to the loading area and parks. I take a deep breath, like I always do, and grab the door handle. It's time to face the music. Literally. 


How did I get cornered into taking my little cousin Mina to a Fallen Five concert? Oh wait. I did that to myself when I helped her enter the ultimate backstage contest. In all honesty, I didn't think she'd win. I didn't want to crush her dreams and say no, but now I should have. I've maybe heard two of their songs. I guess their good. That's not what will bother me. I love making her happy. I just don't want to deal with all the screaming little girls. I've tried convincing my little sister, Lacey, to take her but she has work and refused the money I offered her to take off. The guys in this band are around my age so maybe they will be cool, but I could think of almost a million different things I'd rather be doing than getting ready to go to Mina's. 

The record label is really doing it big for this contest. A limo will be picking us up from my aunt and uncles house and taking us to the stadium. Where we will get to hang out with the band for an hour before sound check and an hour after. I know Mina will love this, but really what does an eleven year old really have to say to a bunch of twenty something year olds? I will be carrying the conversation. This night is already doomed. 

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