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"I'm Dani and this is my little cousin, Mina."

All the guys started talking at once and I laughed. The blonde one spoke first.

"I'm Trick. Short for Patrick. What's the long version of Dani?"

He smirked at me obviously attempting to flirt. This one was definately the flirt. Trick was very good looking but I wasn't into him and I wasn't going to be one of their groupies regardless.


The one with the black mohawked hair spoke up.

"Ah. Very pretty name. I'm Landon." He held out his hand and I shook it. I thought he'd be the one with no social manners. Wrong again. He seemed to be the level headed one.

"I'm Ash, Ashton. Since we're getting all deep here." The one with curly light brown hair said. Clearly the smart ass.

"And you are?" I pointed to the one with short brown hair. He smiled shyly.

"I'm West. My mum was ridiculous and went with Western. She's American."

I laughed. "Well, that's actually kind of cute." He actually blushed. He was the sweet one.

"I'm Dare." I started laughing at him. 

"Yes, I know that now.."

His face fell and he ran his hand through his hair.

"Sorry again about that."

I smiled. "No biggie. So what do you guys do before the concert?"

"This." Ash said with a laugh.

"Sounds fun." I smiled.

"Well, since you guys are here maybe we could go do something. We have an hour right?" West was already standing when he spoke. "Or I mean, I don't know, Mina what would you like to do?"

I watched Mina's face turn red after he said her name. I knew that she was obsessed with Dare but I'm certain she loved the attention from all of them. 

"I.. I don't know." Poor Mina. I grabbed her hand and squeezed. Silently sending her courage to calm down those nerves.

"How about we show her what we do for fun?" Landon suggested. The idea made me a little nervous.

"You guys, she's eleven let's keep that in mind.."

They all looked at me like I was crazy and started laughing.

"We're like nine in our brains anyways, Don't worry D." Dare said between laughs.

I glared at him which made him laugh harder.

"Okay, Okay. Let's go we don't have a lot of time before we have to get our act together and get on stage." Ash called out over all the laughter. I went to stand up and Dare grabbed my hand pulling me up right into him. I felt like I had stuck my finger into an outlet. Why did he have to be so unavailable?


When her body collided with mine it was pure ecstacy. Daniella. Beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl. As we walked towards the loading docks I watched her. She moved with such grace I found my pants getting tight. Times like these I wished I had a normal life. So I could pursue her. Date her. Show her what she deserved and how she should be treated, but being me I had one option. One night. I just wasn't sure if I could do that to her. She was like a breath of fresh air in a room full of stale smoke. Funny, gorgeous, and confident. If only I could have something like that in my life.

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