Nice Dinner?

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Alex's POV:

"Hey, little girl." I heard a familiar voice grumble behind me as I stood at the front desk. Turning around promptly, I was smothered instantly by the one and only Squirrel. 

Hugging her back, I smiled. "Little girl? What do you want me to call you Mommy now?" I jokingly remarked and pulled away.

Kelley grabbed her room key and smirked at me. "Now that's more like it." She laughed lightly but quickly stopped as a sullen, dark haired girl passed by us to the front desk. The curly haired striker glanced at us but walked away a second later, a depressing tone etched onto her face.

"What's Press's problemo, muchacho?" Kelley leaned against the counter, her duffle bag dangling off of one shoulder. I refused to answer, rather looking at Carli and Arod who just walked through the front doors. "Oh god, Al." Kelley hit my arm to get my attention and then pinched me.

"Um, ow?" I snapped, moving my arm away from her. "I didn't do anything. She's just pissy."

"Mhm, yeah sure. What'd you do? Or worse, what'd you say?"


"Don't you hurt Christen, Alex. Seriously."

"How would I hurt her? We're friends."

Kelley held her lower lip in between her teeth to avoid smiling. "Mhmm, friends for sure."

"Don't try me, O'Hara." 

"Don't try to ruin my chrislex ship."


"Because it's a real ship, and it has already taken off for space a longgggggg time ago, bucko." Kelley made a launching off sound with her mouth and I glared at her. 

"I'll murder you in your sleep."

"And that's my cue." Kelley heaved her bag higher up on her shoulder. "Signing out." She did her weird ass little dab and zoomed off, presumably to her room.


"Ha, you can never escape me." I grinned victoriously as I threw my bag onto the bed next to Kelley, who was taking a power nap.

"Why hello again, little girl." Kelley rolled over and smiled groggily. 

Both our phones buzzed.

Kelley checked her phone and pouted her lips at me.

"What? Why are you mad at me?" I said defensively, plopping down onto my bed.

"Look what Allie texted in our OG groupio chattio."

Al: Lex, what the fuck did you do to Press?

Al: She's my roommate and I can tell she's upset she's pouting and looking at pictures of dogs.

Al: So help me gosh, Alex.

Al: Answer.

Sighing, I put my phone down. "I think I need to talk to Christen."

"Hm, you think?" Kelley said sarcastically and started playing games on her phone.


"Lexyyy!" Allie said as soon as she opened the door, pulling me into a tight hug. She looked behind her momentarily. "I'll give you two a minute. No more."

"Wow, thanks."

"Anything for the Chrislex ship." Allie smiled gleefully and I glared at her as she walked down the hall.

Walking into the hotel room, I shut the door behind me. Christen was laying down on the bed closest to the window, her back facing me. I sat down silently on the empty side of the bed. I don't know what to say to her. Jesus, this sucks. I want to say something to her. I want to tell her I her, like really like her. For real. I really really like Christen Annemarie Press and I want to tell her. I need to tell her. Tell her. Say it. 

"Christen?" I mumbled, barely above a whisper.

"Just go away, Alex." Her back remained faced to me, unmoved. Her voice was harsh and cold, but I could detect a hint of sadness.


"Get out." She stayed still.

Standing up, I took a few steps towards the door. Don't leave. She doesn't want you to leave. She wants you to tell her you like her. You know that. But you're still walking away. Stop. The air around me grew thin as I stood there, facing the door but shifting my weight from foot to foot. I couldn't move in either direction.

I turned around, but I felt apart from myself. As I looked at the motionless girl, all I could see were images of Servando and my family and everything else that sucked in my life. I couldn't stop them, they just kept flooding my view. Then Christen's fears came into my head. All the bad news, all the fake news, the crashing of my career after it comes out that I... just after everything.

Finally, the beautiful girl twisted around and sat up in her bed. "Did you not hear me? Get out, Alex. Just leave."

My mouth opened. It stayed open. But nothing came out.

"Alex!" Christen stood up now, taking a few steps towards me. "What is wrong with you?"

I felt my cheeks burning up and my mouth hinged shut and stayed shut. Oh my god I wanted to talk. I wanted to tell her everything. I can't do this. I'm better with actions, but I knew I couldn't just kiss her again and hope everything goes back to being okay. She needs to hear words, I know that. But I can't and I don't know why.

"Goddamnit, Alex! You can't even fucking talk to me? You're the one who came in here." Christen shouted now, inches away from my face. Tears were building up, I felt them stinging behind my eyes. But I knew how to not let them fall. She deserved to yell at me. I suck. "I told you to get out!"

"I..." Finally words came from my mouth, but they were flustered and barely audible, "there's a nice dinner tonight, do you wanna go?"

Christen's eyebrows scrunched together. "Huh? There's no dinner. That's really why you came in here. Are you sure you didn't just want to tell me that I'm just some fucktoy again?"

I swallowed and bit my cheek. Wow these tears really want to fall right now. "I mean, I know... a place around here. Really nice for dinner." I said, my voice sounded choked and weak. "You need like months ahead reservations... but I could get in."

Christen crossed her arms.

"Do you want to.... like.... go out to dinner. You know, like with me? Tonight?"

"Wow, you sure you're not going to be too embarrassed to be seen with me." Christen retorted, keeping her arms intertwined across her chest.

"Please, Chris. I'm sorry." I forced a small smile. "Let me take you out to dinner."

Christen looked disgruntled for a moment, probably deciding whether to be angry at me or not. I don't blame her. There's so much more I want to say. "Yeah, whatever. Do I need like a dress or something?" She finally said, letting her angry facade slip away a little. I internally smiled and let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, dress code. It's okay if you didn't bring something like that, I could let you borrow something again." I spoke too fast, feeling my cheeks burn up yet again.

"No," Christen replied quietly and looked over to her bag on the ground, "this time I did pack nice stuff." 

I nodded curtly and started to back out of the room, almost tripping over a chair. "I'll come back here to pick you up at seven, okay?"


Closing the door behind me, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and closed my eyes momentarily before I headed back to my room.

She packed nice stuff. For me? Probably not.


End of Chapter 10

Sorry for the long wait peeps, I had a ton of stuff to do but I'm gonna start slackin' in school so I hope to have more time to update this. More soon?!!!???? Fingers crossed, buddy.

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