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Alex's POV:


"You look..." I felt my throat close up a little as I gazed at the gorgeous girl in front of me. She was wearing a dark grey, tight dress with dark red heels and matching lip stick. WOw. "... stunning."

"You don't look half as bad yourself." Christen smiled lightly, her blue eyes meeting mine. She stepped out of her hotel room and I ignored Allie on her bed, waving and giving me a silent thumbs up.

She started to walk down the hall but I put my arm out for her to take. Chuckling slightly, Christen looped her arm around mine and we kept walking towards the elevator. I pressed the button and waiting for her to walk on first. "Well, I guess chivalry isn't dead, Morgan. But I'm still mad at you."

"Seriously?" I questioned, staring her down until she smiled.

"I think I'll get by the fact you are embarrassed to be seen with me." Christen spoke softly, but light-heartedly and I looked down at the ground.

"I'm literally going to walk out of this hotel with you, arm in arm, as we go into a fancy restaurant for a date, then walk back here, arm in arm. We couldn't look more together if we tried." I smirked and noticed Christen's bare shoulders. "Considering you didn't wear a jacket, we will walk back with you wearing my jacket. Smart move. Reporters will be all over it."

"Excuse me, I didn't wear a jacket because I'm not going to get cold."

"Ahh, that's right," I nodded as the elevator door opened to the lobby, "a hoe never gets cold."

Christen held back a smile and pushed me out of the elevator rather violently.

"Woah, woah, woah, dating violence is prohibited." I laughed and we started to walk out of the hotel.

A few uswnt players were lounging in the lobby. Pinoe and Julie hollered and whistled as Carli just sat silently, sipping her coffee and reading. I glared at Pinoe jokingly as Christen and I left through the front doors.

Christen's POV:

Alex looked absolutely amazing. As we ordered our food, I literally got distracted and almost forgot to order because I was so focused on her. I still cannot believe Alex Morgan is taking me on a date.

"Miss, are you ready to order?" The waiter shifted on his feet, turning his head towards me.

"Uhh, yeah. Sorry. I'll have the steak, thanks." I concluded as we handed him our menus.

"Distracted, are we?" Alex smiled slyly, taking a sip from her wine.

"By the beautiful girl in front of me? Maybe." I replied calmly, taking delight in watching Alex's cheeks turn pink.

"Knock it off." Alex looked down for a moment, the corners of her lips turning upward.

The food was really good, but honestly I had an appetite for something else. Alex and I talked nonstop; no pauses or moments of silence at all. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed an older couple a few tables away. I only noticed them because the old woman was looking at me like I had three heads. That disapproving look I knew all too well. "Alex, are we ready to go?"

"Um," Alex looked around for the waiter, "Sure, I just need the check. Is everything alright?"

"Fine." I responded stoically.

"Seriously, why did you want to leave all of a sudden?" Alex stopped me by pulling my arm.

"Nothing, nothing. It was nothing. I'm okay."


"No," I said, locking eyes with the other striker, "I'm cold."

Alex smiled, taking her black overcoat off and handing it to me. It was warm and cozy and smelled like Alex.

Like we expected, there was more reporters waiting for us than when we left. I could barely see where I was walking there was so much flash. I felt a soft, warm hand grip my own and lead me down the sidewalk.

"Christen, over here!"

"Are the rumors true, are you two together?"

"Tobin or Alex, Christen. Who you got?"

We ignored the questions and shouts and finally made it to the hotel.

"Jesus, that was hectic, huh?" Alex turned to me, her hand still intertwined with me own.

"You bet."

"Here is your stop, my highness." Alex joked as we reached my hotel door.

"I guess so." I met her eyes momentarily and searched for my room key in my purse.

As I was about to knock on the door, Alex stopped me by putting her hand on the door. "Hold on."

"What?" I said softly as Alex moved closer to me.

She leaned closer until she was next to my ear. "You have my jacket." Her voice sent shivers down my spine and I jokingly pushed her away.

"I think I'll keep it." I pulled the jacket closer around me and smiled.

"Whatever, it looks better on you anyway." Alex smirked and grabbed the jacket, suddenly pulling me forward until our lips met. I let her come closer, pushing me up against the wall of a hotel hallway. I knew people could see us at any second, but I didn't care. I want her so bad. I need her so bad.

Alex got her hands under the jacket and placed her hands on my hips as I wrapped my arms around her neck, smiling as her hair covered my face.

"Alex," I started through kisses, trying to find enough breath to talk, "I... want... you... so bad."

I felt her smile and push against me even harder. "We're... in a hallway, Chris."

"I don't care."

Suddenly, the door opened and Allie peeked out, a big smile on her face. "You two had fun?" Alex pulled away and glared at Allie. She got the point. "Oh, well I was on my way to see Kelley anyway. Have more fun ladies." Allie laughed and started to walk away. But she turned around. "Just not in my bed, okay?"

"Shut up, Al." Alex pretended to be angry and Allie smiled, getting onto the elevator.

For a few moments we stood there. For the first time, Alex wasn't embarrassed or upset that someone saw us. She actually was radiating happiness.

"Well, I guess I should go." Alex said simply, starting to walk away.

"Hmm, okay, whatever." I said while taking off her jacket, throwing it onto the bed as I walked into the room. Alex stayed by the doorway. "Whatever you want." I smiled, taking off my shoes and turning around. "Just unzip this for me first, lex."

"Sure." The striker walked over, shutting the door behind her. As my back faced her, I felt her come closer, unzipping the back of my dress. It slid down to reveal my white, lacy lingerie that I wore because it makes my skin glow. "Oh my god, Chris." Alex whispered, wrapping her arms around my waist from behind and connecting her lips to my neck.

"But you have to go, right?" I sighed, holding in a moan as she continued.

"I want you." Alex said barely above a whisper. "Not as a fuck toy. Because I like you, Christen Annemarie Press. I really... really like you."

Finally. I turned around so I was facing her. "Just so happens that I really, really like you too, Alexandra Patricia Morgan."

She smiled, leaning forward so our foreheads rested against each other. "Oh thank god, I thought you were using me as a fuck buddy or something."

"Can you just shut up and take your clothes off now?"

End of Chapter 11

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