Character Intro

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Hiya everyone! Before we hop into this story I want to take some time to introduce myself.
My name is Tori. I'm 21 years young and I'm from the wonderful state of Montana. I love living in the mountains and the country but I wanted a change. After graduating college I decided I wanted to continue my studies, so I decided to pack up and go to school down under. This is the story of my life in Australia and how I literally fell for one of the Bondi lifeguards.

A bit about me
*I'm from Montana, USA
*I have 1 horse, a dark bay quarter horse named Marvel.
*I also have 2 dogs. A golden retriever named Cap and a Siberian husky named Bucky.
*As you can tell by the names of my animals, I'm a bit of a nerd. I love Marvel comics, Star Wars, and a multitude of television shows.
*I work as a horseback riding instructor at the moment but I want to eventually work in law enforcement.
*I'm a quiet person. I don't go out and socialize often. But put me around friends and you'll have a hard time keeping me quiet.
*I'm extremely sarcastic, so if you say something stupid or completely obvious, prepare yourself because I have no sarcasm filter.

Well that's about all you need to know for now. I hope you enjoy reading about my adventure from Big Sky to Big Surf.


Thanks for reading Big Sky to Big Surf. I only own Tori, her family, and her soon to be introduced friends. All events and places  other than Sydney and Bondi are made up. I hope you enjoy. Thanks :) 

Big Sky to Big Surf - A Bondi Rescue StoryWhere stories live. Discover now