Rides and Romance

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A/N: Hi all. I'm so sorry it's been so long since I have added anything to this story. I had some major writers block for a long time and honestly forgot about this story. Thank you to all who have voted on and continued to read this story. It's at #3 for the tag jessepollock :D. I hope to be better with updates. Here is the next chapter in Tori's story. I hope you enjoy.

After the boys cleared the beach, they had to go and look for the shark. It was then I decided to go home and not be a distraction in the tower. The alarm had been shut off but I swear I could still hear the ringing in my ears. As usual, as soon as I walked through the door I was tackled by my two very excited dogs. It had been a very exciting few days but I felt like I could sleep for a month. I let the boys know that I made it home but I passed out right after I sent those texts.

I spent the next few days running errands and decorating my house. I found a great local store that incorporated Australian culture with some of the Western US. The decorations I bought felt like I brought a little bit of home with me to Sydney.

The following Monday I got a call from Tim saying that I had two beginner group lessons booked. I took Cap and Bucky for their usual walk down at Bronte, waving to Ben, Gonzo, and Deano who were in the tower. Tim gave me the ok and I decided to bring the boys with me to the barn. They're used to horses and I know Marvel has been missing them. I had 6 kids in this first lesson. They all were beginners and all wanted to learn how to barrel race. I had them walk around the arena to get used to their horse and then I had them walk the barrel pattern to get used to the feeling. As their lessons progressed they would start trotting and eventually work up to loping around the course.

I had about an hour after the kids' lesson ended, so I decided to tack up Marvel and get him out of the barn for a little while. I missed riding my boy so much! I started doing a small reining pattern with him before taking him to lope around the barrels. As much as we both wanted to go full speed, I wasn't about to risk another injury to him. It's a small miracle that I can get him to go near barrels, I guess he just has an insane amount of confidence in me. I heard clapping after we finished the course. Looking around I saw Tim standing with Harrison, Chappo, Matty D, Glick, and Maxi. I walked Marvel over to the gate and took a small bow as I dismounted. I walked over to the group to greet them. "Hey guys. What are you doing here?" "This is your next group, they are all beginners so I have Blaze, Rosco, MoMo, Duke, and Falcon ready to go." Tim said as he walked over to the horses tied to the fence. "Thanks Tim!" I shouted as he walked back toward the office. "I guess you wanted to cash in on the riding lesson, huh?" Harrison looked very proud of himself. "Yep, and I wanted to get a couple of the guys to come with. Don't worry they all want to learn." I nodded and turned to the group. "I hope you all are prepared for a workout, you won't be able to sit or walk the right way for at least a couple days. Now Glick, sine you're the biggest you'll be on MoMo, Matty D you'll have Rosco, Maxi you'll be on Duke, Chappo meet Blaze, and Harrison you get Falcon.

As the boys got to know their horses, I took Marvel out of the arena. He had become fast friends with Falcon, especially since their stalls were next to each other. For some reason that I still haven't figured out Marvel only lets me and my family near him. I got the shock of my life when he nudged Harrison in the back and let him pet his face. I left Marvel tied to the fence while I taught the lesson for the boys and every time Harrison and Falcon passed Marvel he nickered at them. It was very adorable.

The boys all had the "cowboy" walk after they got off of their horses and I couldn't help but laugh at them. The boys all had to leave but Harrison stayed behind to help me clean up. We led Marv back to his stall and grabbed the dogs to head home. We walked back to my house and Harrison held my hand the entire way. We weren't officially a couple, but I kind of wanted us to be. I've only known him for a couple weeks, but damn I feel like I could fall for him. Harrison had the early shift in the morning but he asked me to meet him at BTC on Friday for lunch. I was a bit confused but I didn't want to pry.

Friday was here before I could prepare myself for it. I got to BTC and saw Harrison outside with Marvel and Falcon. I was shocked to see that Marvel was actually tacked up, which means someone was able to work with him. I hugged Harrison hello and asked "what's going on?" "I'm taking you on a trail ride" After he said that, I swear my face lit up like a Christmas tree. "But you barely know how to ride, how are you going to do a trail?" "Surprise! I've had Tim give me some lessons during my off periods. I am more than prepared for this. The only thing I haven't been able to do yet is gallop on a straightaway." I was shocked. "I have to say, I'm impressed. You're a very fast learner." We set out on the trail that was on the property. If this was a date, it was the most romantic one I have ever been on.

We stopped at the top of a hill that overlooked the coast. It was a magnificent view, but for some reason it made me miss the trail rides I used to do with my dad. Harrison and I got off our horses and just sat in the grass admiring the view. He kept fidgeting and I was about to ask him what was wrong when he started talking. "Tori, I know I have only known you a couple weeks, but I feel that we have a great connection. I love learning about you and would love the opportunity to know you even more. I want to be the one you lean on and go to for anything. I want to be more than your friend." "Harrison, what are you trying to say?" "Tori, will you be my girlfriend?" He was extremely nervous after asking that. "Of course I will Hutz." He had the biggest smile on his face, and he gave me the most passionate kiss I have ever gotten.

I was over the moon when I got home and I had to tell someone. I figured Harrison would tell all the boys when he was at work, so I decided to call my mom. She answered after the second ring and just about screamed when I told her the news. After she calmed down, she told me all about what was happening at the ranch and how my brother, Hunter, was doing. She said that he was having a rough time adjusting to me not being there but I promised again that I would be home for Christmas. Who knows where we will when that time comes, but maybe Harrison will want to visit Montana with me. Geez, we have been together for a couple hours and I'm already wanting him to come home with me. I guess I'm really falling hard. 

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