Friends at Tamarama

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I have been texting Harrison a lot since the night we hung out. He's so funny and I love talking to him. I don't think I have ever felt this way about a guy. I feel ridiculous because I have only known him a week, but I can't bring myself to really care. Other than Harrison, I have become closer with Chappo, Maxi, and Ben. Speaking of Chappo, I was hanging out with him later. He and I are going on a run with the dogs around Bronte. C: Hey Tori! I'll be at your house in about 15 minutes. T: Alright :) see you soon. By the way the dogs are super hyper so be ready to run!
It was almost exactly 15 minutes later when Chappo knocked on my door. "Come on in, Chap." As soon as the door opened I heard a thud followed by a deep laugh. I ran over to the door and saw Chappo on the floor being licked to death by Cap and Bucky. "Ok boys, leave Chappo alone." Once the dogs got off of him, Chap jumped off the floor and brushed himself off. "So I was thinking we run 5 kilometers, have lunch near Tamarama, and then I can introduce you to more of the boys." "Sounds great!" I hadn't gone on a run since the day I met Harrison, so I was just as excited as the dogs to go out for a while. We did a 5K around the Bronte area before heading back to my house. "Let me just change really fast and then we can head to Tama."
I got dressed then Chappo and I went down to Tama for lunch. After we ate he said "I think Glick and Matt D are working today, want to meet them?" "Of course!" We went over to the tower and walked in. "Hey Matty Dee! Glicky! I want you to meet Tori!" The boys started laughing. "Hey Tori, I'm Anthony, but everyone calls me Glick or Glicky." "Hi I'm Matt or Matty Dee." "Nice to meet you guys." "Wait. Are you the same Tori that Harrison has been talking about nonstop?" Glick asked. "Hell yea she is!" Chappo answered for me. I just blushed at his comment. Just as he said that Matt grabbed his binoculars off the counter. "No! Why would you go out there? Glick! There's someone caught in the rip by the twins. Get out there quick." Glick grabbed the rescue tube and sprinted down the beach to the twins. "Why doesn't he use a board?" I asked the guys. "To dangerous" was all that Chappo said. "The rip between and around the rocks is horrendous. If we were to take a rescue board out there we would be in danger and we would never get the patient back to shore." Matt said giving me a more detailed answer. "Shit, Chappo I know you're off but can you run down and help out? He's really stuggling." "On it." Chappo grabbed another rescue tube and raced down toward the Twins. "Is it always this eventful?" I asked Matt. "Depends on the day. This is actually the first rescue of the day." We were quiet for a few minutes watching Glick and Chappo do the rescue. "So, what brings you down to 'Straya?" "I moved down here for school. I'm trying to complete a Master's degree in Criminal Psychology." "Awesome! Why that subject?" "I've always had an interest in it. My family has some issues mental health wise and I thought that I would be able to help out more this way." "Well it's good that you are doing something you are passionate about."
My thoughts drifted to my family after that exchange. I should call them tonight and let them know how everything is going. My eyes wandered back to the Twins. Chap and Glick have the swimmer and they are working on getting away from the rocks. "So Matt, what do you do when you're not lifeguarding?" "This is my main job but I also am the founder of For Those Without or FTW." "What's FTW?" I asked him. I thought it was cool that he had his own business. "It's a foundation that brings awareness to mental health, especially depression. Suicide it huge down here and I want to help prevent it if I can." I was stunned. I understand wanting to help bring awareness to mental health issues. "That's a great cause." "You said earlier you're family had some mental health issues. Is it alright if I ask what the diagnosis is?" I thought about it for a second, bit quickly realized that Matt was definitely a person I can trust. "My younger brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia 5 years ago. It's been really rough and some days are better than others but he is amaziing to have to deal with this at such a young age. He's actually the reason why I am studying a section of Psychology." Instead of the usual "I'm sorry" that people normally give after finding out about my brother, Matt stood up from the counter and gave me a giant bear hug. "Thanks Matty." "Of course Tori. If you ever need someone to talk to, let me know." "I will definitely take you up on that offer."
We sat and talked about mental health advocacy for a few minutes before Glick and Chappo came back into the tower.
It was great getting to know the boys and Chappo promised that I would meet the rest of the service soon. I saw the time and realized I had to go to the quarantine center to check on Marvel. "Oh! I have to run boys it was great meeting you. Chappo I will text you later." I said hurrying out the door. "Bye Tori" all three said in unison.
I rushed home, grabbed my things, and hailed a taxi to take me to the equine center. When I arrived, I went up to the desk and asked about Marvel. "Hi, my name is Tori Wolffe. I'm here to check in on Marvel." "Alright Ms. Wolffe. Go ahead and take a seat. Someone will come and take you to Marvel in a couple minutes." I sat down and waited anxiously to see my baby. "Marvel?" A voice called out. I stood up and said "that's me!" "Perfect, follow me." We walked back to the stable and I saw the familiar dark bay face of my boy. I ran up to him and gave him a giant hug. I know it's only been a week but I missed him so much! "Ms. Wolffe?" "Yes?" "I have some good news for you. Marvel has passed all his health tests and our bosses have decided that he does not have to stay in quarantine for the 5 weeks. He can be released next week." Yes!! Thank God! That's fantastic news!" This means I can bring Marvel to BTC and I can ride my own horse for lessons. It also means I get my best friend back.
I had the biggest smile on my face when I got home that night. I texted Tim and let him know that Marvel would be out of quarantine in about a week. I remembered that I needed to talk with my family. I did the mental math and figured that it was around 8 or 9 o'clock at home. I grabbed my computer and hit the video chat icon. Mom answered and nearly screamed. "Tori! How's life down under? Have you met anyone? What's the house like? How's..." "Mom!" I interrupted her small rant. "Take a breath. I've only been gone a week. Everything is great so far. I've adjusted to the time change, Cap and Bucky are as crazy as ever, Marvel's 5 week quarantine was reduced and he is being released next week. And yes, I have made some friends." I told mom all about the house and what work was like. "You said you have already made friends? What are they like?" "They're great. They are all lifeguards. Chappo was the first person I met, and I actually meet him at the airport in LA." I met Maxi, Jesse, Ben, and Harrison throughout the week and have gotten pretty close with them. I actually had my leg lock up and I basically fell into Harrison's lap." I could feel my face turn a bit red after I told my mom that story. "You blushed! What's this Harrison fella like? And Chappo? Is that his real name?" "No, it's his nickname. His actual name is Chris. Harrison is amazing. He helped me a lot with my leg and promised to teach me how to surf." "He sounds great. I'm glad you're having a good time. Sorry hun, I have to go. I have to pick your brother up and your father is out in the fields. Call us again soon ok?" "You got it. Love you. Talk to you soon." With that we hung up.
I was sitting at home watching "The Office" when my phone started ringing. "Hello?" "Hi Tori. It's Harrison. You up for a surf lesson at Bronte today?" "Hell yea I am! When are you going to be down there?" "Well a few of us are already down here, so now?" I started laughing a bit. "Sure, I'll be down at the beach in a few minutes." "Great! See you soon." Looks like I'm getting my first taste of surfing today.

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