Is it a Date?

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A/N: Wow!! Thank you all so much for your support of this story. I can't believe this is already at 700+ reads!! I'm sorry for the delay in chapters. There are more to come but it's a slow process. Again, thank you so much 😀
After getting that text from Harrison I quickly threw on a bikini and a wetsuit top and rushed down to the beach. I was super excited to learn how to surf and see Harrison again. I got down to the beach and saw Harrison standing by the tower with 3 other guys. I walked toward the group and right before I got to them one of the guys nodded his head in my direction causing Harrison to turn around. "Hey Tori! Glad you could make it." "Hi, thanks for the invite." "Boys, this is Tori. I met her when she fell into my lap last week. Tori, this is Rodney, Ryan, and Troy also known as Kerrbox, Whippet, and Gonzo. They are lifeguards around here too." "Hi guys, it's nice to meet you." I shook their hands and after introductions were finished Whippet, Kerrbox, and Gonzo all went down to the water. "I figured we could start on the sand so you can pick up the basics before we hit the waves" Harrison said as he grabbed on of the boards he was standing near. "You're the expert." I said as we walked down to the sand. We found an open spot and set the boards down. He showed me the basics of paddling and how to stand up on the board. Once I was comfortable doing that we moved out to the waves to join the rest of the group. Harrison helped me to spot a good wave and when we saw one I paddled into position. I got on the wave and I immediately wiped out when I tried to stand up. This happened a lot more but it was still fun to hang out with Harrison and his friends. I think I managed to stand up and ride one wave before we decided to call it quits.

Once we were on the beach, the boys wanted to know a bit more about me. I told them that I was from Montana, that I am a horse trainer, and that I was in Sydney for school. The boys all wanted to get riding lessons as soon as I said I was a trainer and an instructor. I laughed at that and said "I'll give y'all riding lessons if you continue the surfing lessons." I was not hard to get them to agree to that deal. We talked a bit more before the boys had to leave. Harrison was pretty quiet as the boys started to leave. "Hey, you ok?" "Yea, yea I'm good." "Alright, well thanks for the lesson. I should probably get going." I started to walk away when I heard Harrison call my name. "Hey Tori! Do you have to go home right now?" "I guess not. Why?" "Do you want to go grab dinner with me?" "Sure. That sounds like a great idea. Where do you want to go?" "I was thinking we could go to the Bucket List down at Bondi." "Awesome, I'm just going to run home to change." "Ok, I should go change to. Want to meet me there in an hour?" "Perfect, see you then." I have him an awkward side hug and then started walking to my house. My mind was racing a mile a minute as I walked home. Was this a date? Did Harrison even like me in that way? I snapped out of it once Cap and Bucky almost tackled me when I walked into the house. I had time for a quick shower before I needed to be at Bondi.

Harrison was standing outside the lifeguard tower when I got down to Bondi. "Hi Tori." He seemed a little nervous. Maybe this is a date. "Hi Harrison." We walked over to The Bucket List and say out on the patio overlooking the beach. "Wow this is a beautiful view." I said looking out at the ocean. "Yea, it really is." I looked at Harrison and blushed when I saw that he was looking at me. We talked all throughout dinner. He was so much fun to be around. I learned more about New Zealand and what he liked to do outside of work other than surfing. I told him a couple stories from back home and a bit about my competition days. "Want to head down to the beach? Most everyone should be gone and Bondi sunsets are incredible." "Of course!" The sun was setting when we walked onto the sand. "I'll be right back." Harrison said and he ran off toward the tower. He was only gone for a minute or two before he was running back down the beach with a towel in his hand. He put down the towel and gestured for me to sit down on it. As soon as I did he say down next to me. We talked a bit more before we fell into a comfortable silence. I got a little lost in my thoughts but quickly snapped out of it when I felt Harrison wrap his arm around me. I leaned into him just enjoying this moment.

After the sun disappeared, Harrison walked me to my house. "I had a really great time tonight Tori. Can we do this again soon?" "I'd really like that." He smiled at that and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I guess that answers my question about him liking me. This is definitely the best day I have had in a very long time.

A week later

I got the phone call I've been waiting for! Marvel is being released from quarantine! I'm so excited. I was just about to go to BTC to get the truck and trailer when there was a knock at the door. I opened it and saw Harrison standing on the front porch. "Hey, what are you doing here?" "I came by to see if you wanted to hang out but it looks like you're busy..." "Hutz!" I said interrupting him. "I'd love to hang out. I'm just headed to go pick up Marvel. Do you want to come with?" "Sure! If that's ok." "I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't." I locked the door and we started walking to BTC. "How did you know my work nickname?" I laughed a bit at his question. "You do know I'm friends with Chappo, Maxi, and Jesse right?" He just shook his head. When we got to BTC I went into the office and grabbed the truck keys. "Hey Tim, I'm borrowing the truck for a couple hours. Marvel will be here later this afternoon." "Perfect. I can't wait to meet him." Harrison and I got in the truck and headed to the quarantine center. "So I'm getting a riding lesson once Marvel settles in right?" "Sure, but I'm the only person that rides him. My dad can't even ride him." "Ok, well regardless I'd still love to go riding with you."

It only took about an hour, mostly due to traffic, but we finally made it to the quarantine center. I brought the trailer around to the pick up area where one of the workers had Marvel on a lead waiting for me. I parked the truck and immediately jumped out and ran up to my boy. Marvel started dancing around making it hard for the worker to hold on to him. He calmed down as soon as I got to him. I looked back at Harrison and he looked to be awestruck. After posting him and giving him a treat, Marvel was calm enough to trailer. Harrison finally got to meet Marvel when we got back to Bronte. "Harrison meet my boy Marvel. Marvel this is Harrison, be nice." "Wow he's a gorgeous horse." "Of course he is. I have to let him settle in and acclimate for a couple days, but once he is I promise we well do the lesson." "Sounds like a plan." He walked me back home, holding my hand the entire time. I'm too afraid to ask what we are. Honestly I don't want to put a label on us just yet.

Next day
I haven't seen Chappo in a while, so I decided to go down to Bondi this morning. I got to the tower to find that Chappo was down in the south corner watching Backpacker's Rip, but Matty Dee and Ben were manning the tower. "Hey Tori, what brings you down to Bondi this beautiful morning." "Hello to you too, Ben. I figured I would hang out with Chappo a bit today, and you all for a little while." "Great." Ben said while turning back to watch the water. "Tori! Catch!" I heard right before a phone landed in my lap. I looked over to the boys and saw Matt with a smile on his face. "Type in your number. We should hang out sometime and talk a bit more about FTW. I'd love to hear some of your stories." "Sure" I said typing in my number then tossing the phone back to Matt.
A few minutes later two more guys came into the tower. "Hey Matt, Ben, whose this?" One of the guys asked. "Oh! This is Tori. She's friends with a lot of the guys and also Harrison's girlfriend. Tori this is Andrew and Adriel or Reidy and Bacon." " Hi guys,  it's nice to meet you. Like Matty said, I'm Tori. I'm friends with these weirdos along with Chappo, Maxi, and Jesse. And I'm not Harrison's girlfriend. We're just friends." "Not yet." Ben said under his breath. I sent him a glare that caused him to pick up the binoculars and look out at the water again.
We all hung out for a bit before Reidy and Ben went down to the middle set of flags. Bacon answered the phone when it started to ring. "Bondi lifeguards, Adriel speaking. How can I help you?" His face turned serious after a couple moments. "You're sure it was a shark? Ok we'll sound the alarm and launch the ski." He hung up the phone and turned to Matt. "Police have spotted a 3 meter shark just past the nets. Sound the alarm?" "Yep." Matt said. "Bondi central to the boys on the beach. A 3 meter shark was seen inside the net.  We're sounding the alarm." "Copy." Bacon then turned on the shark alarm and Bondi went from relaxed to tense in the blink of an eye. It was incredible to see all the guys in action. We obviously don't have sharks in Montana so this was a new experience for me.

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