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trigger warning: almost non-consensual sex.

september 12th 2016, 03:47 pm. seoul.


   A HEAVY SIGH falls from jongin's mouth. it's been three days now since he and kyungsoo last spoke. he has checked his phone frequently, just hoping for something, anything. yet he stops caring each time it isn't a notification having to do with kyungsoo, or from the said male.

   he's undeniably worried. his heart races a bit every time his phone buzzes. albeit, he gets his hopes up too high each happening. it may be an instagram notification or a text from baekhyun, which he tends to ignore now.

   he'd feel more at ease if kyungsoo would just say hi to him. it's enough to know he's at least alive. of course, he could text kyungsoo first, but he would rather give kyungsoo space right now and let him come when he is ready.

  jongin's fingers thread through his bangs, worrying his lip. he slides down to the floor of the dance room and sets his phone next to him. he doesn't want to bother with it anymore. the thought of everything - kyungsoo, whatever he wanted to talk about that morning - is too overwhelming.

  he breathes steadily in attempt to calm himself, positive that if he dances right now, he would have a breakdown. why does all of it bother him this much? it's never happened like this before. sure, he's been concerned enough to worry like he is but not this much where he's potentially on the verge of tears.

  "oh, you're still here."

  jongin glances up slowly. in the doorway stands sehun, hands in his sweatpants' pockets and his athletic bag slung over his chest. normally, jongin would smile bashfully and say "hi" but jongin can't even move. he shrinks into himself, his legs tucked towards his chest. it's difficult to breathe.

   "yeah, what about it?"

   jongin hears sehun's footsteps come toward him, then a plop on his left side.

   "i was waiting for you to come out."

   jongin turns his head. "why?"

   sehun shrugs his shoulders with a carefree smile. "isn't that what we do?"

   "what is 'we' exactly?"

   sehun's smile fades. shit, why did jongin even say that?

   "you okay? you seem off." sehun squeezes jongin's knee.

   unable to control them, tears prick jongin's eyes. he shakes his head. "i don't wanna talk about it."

   "hmm, i get that. i was just wondering because..."

   "because what?"

   "i don't know," a dorky smile reaches the corners of sehun's lips. "i thought we were starting something? and maybe you could trust me a little bit?"

𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 (DKS, KJI)Where stories live. Discover now