The Sister

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Arthit POV

"Bright if you don't shut up, I will hang you myself." Knott glares.

But when the words go unheeded, I push Bright off his horse. Unfortunately, he is well trained and the shove didn't faze him, he's back riding next to me a moment later.

"We should have gone back first." He says seriously.

"We sent a message." I reassure him.

I'm not a fool, I wouldn't disappear without letting Kong know. Knott had sent Harken to Tew with a message, and we should return home after we knew Fon was well. The source was reliable, what did she have that made her a target?

She was 2 years older than me, but I had already received my mark when the master had brought her to the guild. She was smart and caring, instantly taking a liking to us, and we couldn't help liking her in return.

The more she cared, the more I wanted her gone. She had dreams and ideas, but if she stayed, if she got the mark, nothing she wanted could be hers. I took her away from the guild, helped her find work and a place to live.

Knott was sent to the thieves' guild, he could never be an assassin, he didn't want to be. I was meant to follow, but I stayed. That was the price the master set, for Fon and Knott to leave safely, so I paid it willingly.

Her husband was a craftsman, he could chisel wood and stone into something beautiful. Tum wasn't at the place he worked, he was out of town delivering orders. The man in the store opposite was talkative, and there had been people asking questions. They may be ahead of us, but they would have to search for her. We had a small advantage, I knew where she was.

We moved slowly and carefully through the rocky path, heading out of the small town. We could have taken the canyon pass, but I didn't trust who could be watching silently from the cracks.


We walked with our horses towards the small house I had visited before. The tall trees swayed in the breeze, the air cool from the mountains and the ground solid rock.

"When did she move here?" Knott asked looking around.

"Before Seri was born." I tell him. "She may throw a dagger at you for not seeing her this long."

"No may, she will." Knott sighs.

"Why is ..."


Before Bright can finish, someone shouts my name. I hurry to the grandmother who lives next door to Fon. The woman is shaken and crying.

"They took her Arthit..."

"Calm yourself, grandmother." I tell her. "Who?"

"Men, 5 of them." She's pointing towards the small mountain road. "I was running to get the guard, and they took the baby."

I pat her shoulder, we mount and head in the direction. Once we reach the turning we realise the same thing, they didn't take the path. The soft mountain earth and sand wash down with the rain, but there are no tracks here, only ours. There was only one other way they could have gone, the rock canyon.

We climb the rocky path, heading for the opening. Inside the mountain, was an oasis, green grass, trees and a waterfall. I scouted this whole area when she moved here, an old habit. Our steps hasten when we hear a scream. Staying hidden but moving closer to the edge, we look down, seeing the group. Seri begins to cry, as Fon shouts at the man in front of her.

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