The Old Seal

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Kong POV

Walking down the stone steps I look around the square full of people and bustling with life. Another hot, bright day as the busy workers rushed and the laughter of the children as they played.

I had grown up in the capital; I knew every corner of my city and watching it like this after the dark days, was a joy. We are resilient beings, even though the past can be clouded, we find hope and carry on.

I walked through the same cobbled streets I had run through as a child, the same sweet sellers and food stands. Between them now and then I could see the new ones, but that was how the city moved. Always something new, more colourful and bright.

"You could have made him come to us." Em was still angry about my decision.

But I had been in the Palace too long, I wanted to walk the streets, see old faces and make sure things are as they should be.

"Look around Em, doesn't seeing this make the long days' worthwhile?" I asked placing my arm around his shoulder.

He looked around and smiled too, this is what we had accomplished after taking our places of power. Given our people a chance to live and grow.

"We accomplished more than we thought ourselves capable of."

It was true, what did we know about running the country when we took our places. It was a blessing that we had a few good elders to advise and guide us and we had managed to come this far. I can't help smile as we take the turning into Warriors Row, one of my most frequented places.

It supplied everything a fighter could need; the best swords smiths, bow makers, spear binders and the best craftsmen had shops in this street. I walked to the smithies, no sooner had I entered the shaded canopy, a voice boomed out. "Kongpob my boy, how have you been?"

I smiled looking at the man as he patted my shoulder laughing, very few people used my name now but he made me my first dagger when I was 10, he had privileges. He was still taller than me, broad shoulders, scuffed hands but now his hair was greying and the small lines as he smiled showed his age.

"Master Sow, I have duties."

"Ah yes, I forget you're the King now." He laughed, before turning to the others. "You look well Em. You got fat Pridi."

"If you hadn't made my first sword..." Pridi glared, but Master Sow just laughed.

"What brings you out?" He asks as he checks on the heated metal in the coals, before replacing it.

"A meeting." I replied looking at his latest swords on the wall.

"Don't start a war boy." He meets my eyes when I turn to look at him. "I like those on the wall."

"Isn't that bad for business?"

"It is, but they are better not used." He smiles sadly.

"I only use mine for training." I smile. "Let's hope no one makes me use it for anything else."

He nods, understanding. I watch as a young man comes around the corner to show Master Sow a dagger and stands frozen when he sees us.

"What do you want boy?" Master sow taps his head.

The boy bows respectfully before explaining his problem, he bows again before leaving.

"Stop looking like that, he's doing well."

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