The Mysteries Revealed

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Cabin near the North Border.

He killed the last man, letting his body drop to the ground before cleaning his danger on his clothes and returning it to its sheath. It took him a while but he managed to find this group before they could cross. They backtracked and hid when the King unexpectedly closed the borders.

He searched the men until he found the metal tubes, sealed with the Western and Northern Royal Court Emblems. They were messengers, taking information between the west and north. He broke the seal and opened one of the tubes, unrolling the documents inside.

They planned so far ahead, arranging the smallest details before they even won. The audacity to use our routes to take documents that would destroy us. He rolled it again and put it in the tube, the King would find these interesting.

He blew out the candle when he heard the scape, hiding next to the window and waiting. The footsteps were trained, the shadow hardly visible in the moonlight. He waited for the curtain to flutter before throwing the figure to the ground.

He fought well, but the boy had years of practice ahead before he could beat him. He put his knee on the boys back, using one hand to keep him immobile while using the other to tear the sleeve under his arm.

The Consorts seal, the boy was one of his. He pulled out the two tubes tucked into his belt before letting him go and standing. The boy was on his feet in seconds, his dagger in hand.

"Don't try to poison me." I tell him opening one of the tubes. "I have an antidote for the poisons you assassins carry."


"You found the group heading South." I look up impressed. "Well done."

"I want those back."

"Which one are you?" I ask. "Ark or Hemp?"

I smile when he doesn't answer but looks ready to attack for what's in my hand.

"Take them." I return the ones I took from him and hand him the ones I found. "Give them to no one but the Consort."

"Who the hell are you?" He snaps taking them.

"Tell the Consort." I cover my face and head for the door. "The Professor sends his apologies and regards."

I use the moment of surprise to slip away, I find my men waiting on the other side of the hill.

"How did it go?"

"The way the King wanted."

"Where is the leader?"

"Near the capital." The man replied. "Taking care of loose ends."

We mount the horses and head out; he really had taken a liking to the boy. This was his way of atoning, as Dreag he should have killed his uncle but old loyalties stopped his hand. He had to agree the boy was making things interesting.


Knot POV

The shrill cry of a hawk ran through the air, he lifted his hand waiting for the bird to descend. Near the caves there should be birds, Harken was trained he would find them much easier than they could. The hawk landed on his glove; a black feather clutched in it claw. Vultures.

He stroked the hawk's feathers before feeding him, looking in the direction he had come. They were getting close, they needed to be careful. If cornered he couldn't be sure what the kidnappers would do to the children.

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