The Clans Come

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Master Kukri POV

"We are honoured Master Kukri." The Clan Head bows as I enter.

Menkai smile standing by his grandson's side, an old friend. He had watched over the clan as head for many years, even managing when his son couldn't and waited for the next one to take his place.

I had watched over them, I thought growing old nothing would surprise me anymore, but time has its own ideas. His youngest grandson would be Tum and whom he would marry and the connections that would form no one could have predicted.

"Good you came." I pat the boy's shoulder.

"I am still amazed this time would ever come." He half smiles. "The King would even acknowledge us. But seeing you here gives me hope this is serious and not just a passing phase."

"Me?" I ask.

"Yes, the King has sent you to speak with us."

"I am just here to observe, I have no authority to speak of this with you." I tell him.

Rem immediately looks worried, he turns to his grandfather and Tum looking concerned.

"Then who will he send to speak with us?"

"I thought it would be better if I came myself."

I turn and bow to the King as he walks into the room with Em and Tew. It takes a moment for Rem to recover from his surprise but he quickly bows respectfully.

"You truly honour us, your Majesty." Rem speaks as he stands.

"I'm happy you came." Kong smiles as he sits, the others follow and take seats.

The talk begins, hesitant at first as Rem finds his stride but it doesn't take long for him to ask his questions and relate his worries. The hope in his voice shines through the fear in his eyes show. The hope they will be allowed to come home.

I watch Kong speak confidently, his words simple but holding the weight of authority. I knew the moment the boy came to me, he was meant for much more then they believed. Watching him become the man he was kindled a lost hope inside my heart, one I had finally asked him to make a reality. The country had been broken too long, maybe, just maybe he could make it one.

Every kingdom has its own seats of power, ours was the Seven Elites that supported and worked with the King to manage and protect the country.

The Seven Clans had their own councils and a Clan Head in the main seat of power. Each clan produced an Elite, which left to come reside in the capital with the King and held the same power as their Clan Head. If it was ever needed, the Kings backing could override either a Clan Head or his Elite.

He would choose two more Elites from the returning clans, it wasn't hard to see who would come from the Mountain Clan but who would he take from the Sea Clan? Whatever he did it would cause a stir, he always did.

The clans had different ideas as too whom they wished this place of power to go to. Someone they thought who deserved it, usually, a high-ranking member's spoilt son but Kong would never allow that.

When he had named Queen Prae as the Elite for her clan, the outrage had been deafening, but he never budged under pressure and there had been a lot. The girl was smart and talented, her managing silenced the outrage soon enough.

Her father and brother hated having to bend to her wishes. Kong had been the punishment they had chosen for her wild ways, the throwaway relative of royalty. Little did anyone know he would be King or that he would keep his engagement with Prae and make her First Queen.

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