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Why would I miss you?

I don't even know who you are, for a start.
You still haven't told me.
You told me I had to figure it out for myself.

I did read your last three messages.
I just didn't reply.
I wanted to see if you would tell me who you are.
You didn't break, though it's clear you were close.

You seem more fragile than you say you are.
They used to say that I was good at reading people.
I can't call them my friends anymore.
You ruined them for me.
Though maybe that's unfair.
Maybe I just refused to see through their deception.

Maybe they're secretly being paid to spend time with me.
To make it seem as though someone cares.
My parents don't.
My siblings don't.
I haven't seen a single one of my family members for years.

They're probably pretending I don't exist.
Pretending that everyone is completely sane.
Isn't family great?

Everyone seems to drift in and out of my life.
When I became sick, my real friends floated away, along with my family.
And my 'them', as you call them, swept in.
Now I've just been left stranded in the middle of the ocean by the people I used to trust.

Have you stranded me?
I'm not sure.
You seem pretty intent on destroying me.
You keep telling me it's about control.
But what does control mean to you?

Things have different meanings to you.
Like 'them'.
You said that you know people -who you call your 'them- who read our messages for fun.
How do you know that?
Is someone telling you that, and making you write those words out?
I'm so confused.

You said that your words are meaningless without me.
Why do you need me for your words to have a meaning.
Can't you function by yourself?
You need to learn that words are never meaningless.
They have a meaning, even if you don't see it.

You'll see

Incase you're confused, this is chapter's written in the same POV in the chapter Who. Also yesterday this story reached #730 in Mystery/Thriller. I'm not sure how it moved up 270 ranks overnight, but thank you so much for making it possible.

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