Liam: sick at your parents house

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Liam POV:
Today was an important day, I was finally going to meet Y/Ns parents. I was so nervous, I was sweating and my stomach was in knots. I couldn't mess this up.

Y/N had just pulled the car out of our drive and started to head over to her parents house.

I groaned as I felt my stomach turn
uncomfortably. Was this nerves or was I getting sick? Probably nerves.

As we pulled into Y/P
Street I looked over at Y/N and said rather embarrassed "sweetie, do we have to go today my stomach hurts" she looked at me and stated "Liam, you are only making up excuses not to meet my parents, quit it"

We arrived at Y/Ns parents house. "This is it" I thought to myself. I swallowed nervously as Y/N rang the doorbell. My stomach let out gurgle. I knew this wasn't nerves anymore.

"Oh my baby, how are you?" Y/Ns mother asked her as she lead us both in.

I turned to Y/N and begged "please can we go home?,I'm not feeling too well" she looked back at me shouted "Liam, seriously? Stop it!, you are going to meet my parents and that is final" she sounded so pissed at me, why didn't she believe me?

Y/M/N (Your Mothers name) called us all into the dining room for lunch. Everything was set out so beautifully. The white china and silver cutlery lay on top of a white lace table cloth.

We all sat down and started to eat, well everyone except me. I shakily placed a piece of salad into my mouth. I could feel my body rejecting it.

'Eat up, Liam" Y/F/N (your fathers name)
Said. I placed some meat and potatoes into my mouth and swallowed hard. I was fighting back the urge to throw up. I let out a small gag. Nobody looked at me, so it must have been quiet, fortunately.

I couldn't hold on anymore. I looked at Y/M/N and excused myself. Y/N quickly followed me into the kitchen. "Seriously Liam, this is getting old" she practically yelled at me.

That caught the attention of Y/M/N. she came into the kitchen and asked us both 'is everything ok in here?" I was going to tell her what was going on but Y/N had other plans, she told her mother "Liam here is faking being ill so that he can go home" that really hurt my feelings.

My stomach gurgled again causing me to gag louder that before. "Liam, are you ok?" Y/M/N asked sweetly. I shook my head thinking if I said anything more than words would come out.

I gagged again with force and hunched over the floor throwing up the little lunch I had. Both Y/N and Y/M/N gasped at what had just happened.

Y/N lead me to the bathroom where I continued to get sick.

After my little "session" Y/M/N lead me to the guest room so that I could lie down. I fell straight asleep.

*2 hours later*

"Li, Li" I could hear barely audible. Y/N was waking me up. "I am so sorry LiLi that I didn't believe you." Y/N whispered apologetically into my ear.

By this time Y/F/N had heard about what had happened and he had came in to ask me how I was. Y/N didn't like the idea of that she whined to her father "Daddy, Liam needs to rest can you leave us alone please?" Y/F/N nodded and left.

Y/M/N came in with a bucket, some water and a thermometer. She placed the bucket my Liam's head incase he needed to get at it in a hurry and put the thermometer into his mouth.

*beep* "102.7" Y/M/N read out. I thanked her for taking care of me and asked Y/N if she could get me some medicine to help with my queasy stomach.

Y/M/N left the room to get some medicine while Y/N apologised repeatedly for not believing me.

I got handed the medicine and swallows it with a swig of water. That is when Y/N asked her mother "mum, can we stay the night, liam is in no shape to travel anywhere"

Y/M/N replied warmly "of course you can sweetie, just make sure you get liam better"

We all decided to look at some home movies of when Y/N was a baby.

Y/N gently grazed her soft hands over arm as we continued to watch home movies.

" What a perfect family I have" Y/M/N whispered as I fell asleep. This wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I thought as I drifted asleep.

Sooooooo not my best work but I have major writers block at the moment so if you have any prompts please message me or comment them and I will do them for you :)

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