Ziam: Sick Zayn Part 2

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Zayn POV: I woke up after my nap to find my stomach aching more than before. I felt that familiar feeling in my stomach. "Liam... I'm gonna throw up" I yelled trialling off at the end.

Liam POV: I was at the back of the bus when I heard Zayn yelling my name. I knew what was about to happen. I ran to his side as he started to gag. I ran my hands through his sweaty hair. And felt for a temperature in that sneaky little way that parents do. "Hot" I thought to myself.

Zayn POV: I let out another gag and all the food that was left in me came splashing into the bucket infront of me. I started to cry. I've always been scared of being sick I don't know why?

The crying lead to more gags and more heaves. By now I had been vomiting constantly for almost an hour.

Liam POV: "I've never seen him so sick" I whispered to Niall who was sitting next to me. Being Daddy Direction is hard especially when your bandmate is really ill. I thought it was just carsickness. I guess not. I felt the bus stop and Paul came into the back of the bus. "What happened?" he asked with a concerned look on his face. "Zayn has been throwing up for almost an hour now and I'm sure he's got a fever." I informed Paul. "Well lets get into the hotel then and let him rest.

Zayn POV: "guys I can walk" I explained as Paul and Liam tried to carry me out of the car and into the hotel room. The other boys were talking amongst themselves. Louis and Harry totally unaware of the situation I was in. I stumbled out of the car and walked the short distance to the hotel room. Walking slowly with a hand in my stomach being careful not to upset even more. As soon as we reached the room I ran straight into the bathroom. I felt so sick. I gagged more but nothing came up. I guess my stomach was completely empty. Or so I thought. I gagged once more and bile came splashing into the toilet water. "AAAHHH!" I screamed as an intense pain shot through my stomach. Liam ran straight to my side. "What wrong, Z?" He panicked. "Hurts" I mumbled. I told Liam I was done throwing up and went to lay down. "I'm getting really worried. I'll go and get Paul" Liam explained as he left the room in search of Paul. I just lay on the bed feeling to sick to move. Liam came rushing back with Paul. "Right I'm going to check your temperature and see if you have a fever." Paul explained sticking a thermometer into my mouth. *beep* "102.5" Liam read softly. I went to speak but another cramp shot through my side. I screamed in pain again. "What's wrong with him Paul?" Liam asked as he too came close to tears. "I think he has appendicitis, I'm so sorry" Paul said sympathetically as he patted me on the back. "I..I thought it was carsickness" Liam sobbed. I looked up at him and whispered into his ear "it's ok I thought I was as well" Liam and Paul both looked at me as Liam whispered back "everything's going to be alright"

After telling the other boys what was going to happen I was rushed to the hospital and had my appendix removed. Louis and Liam made me get well soon cards, Niall and Harry got me cute little presents and balloons. They were just so pleased I was not sick anymore and so was I.

A/N sorry this update has taken forever I wanted it to be really good. Tweet me: @donnyaccentlou :)


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