Zianourry: Sick Liam P2

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Liam POV: My stomach really hurt now. I needed someone to help me. I unlocked my phone and texted Harry.

Liam: "My stomach hurts 😢"

A few minutes later I got a reply

Harry: "aaawww" are you ok?

Liam: "no"

No was the simple reply I gave back as I felt sicker by the minute. I could have yelled for someone but if I had opened my mouth more than words would have come out.

After replying to Harry's text I locked my phone and waited for him to come up front.

A few minutes passed and Harry came running in. "Do you want some water LiLi?" He questioned I simply nodded feeling my lunch rising into my throat.

Harry quickly grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and came racing back to me. He handed me the water and instructed "take small sips, it helps upset stomachs"

I nodded and did a Dr Harry suggested. After a few minutes I started to feel a bit better. I got up and went to the bathroom and came back to the couch.

I was sat beside Harry with my head on his lap, while he stroked my sweaty hair. "I'm gonna stay here for a bit and then I'm gonna go back to bed I'm really tired" Harry whispered. I looked up and whimpered "stay, please" Harry sighed and replied "ok but if I fall asleep just yell if I'm squishing you" I mumbled a reply and turned over to get comfy for the night.

*3 AM*

Harry POV: I was woken up by something wriggling on me. I opened my eyes seeing Liam asleep on my lap. Oh yeah my poor LiLi felt sick last night and I had to stay with him.

I picked up his shivering body and carried him bridal style to his bunk, with thankfully was next to mine and tucked him in. I gave him a quick peck on his burning forehead and returned to my bed.

It took me a while to fall asleep, mostly because all I could think about was how unwell my fellow bandmate and bro for life was.

*9:30 AM*

Liam POV:

I was suddenly woken up and sat up. I could feel bile rising and couldn't do anything to stop it. I retched forward and sick spilled from my chapped lips all over me and my bed. I started to cry realising what had just happened.

"HARRY!!!" I yelled. I heard footsteps rushing into the bunk area. My eyes were blurry with tears and dizziness. I saw someone standing in front to me but I had no idea who it was.

"Harry, I made big mess, I'm so ,sorry I tried to get up" I apologised. To who I thought was Harry. "It's ok Liam" a thick Irish accent said. "Niall?!" I whimpered some more. "Yeah, why did you call me Harry?" Niall questioned with a confused tone to his voice.

"I can't see I'm really dizzy" I panicked. Niall got a tissue and wiped my eyes and placed a cool rag onto my forehead. My vision started to clear up.

"I'm really sorry about the mess" I apologised repeatedly. "It's ok Liam, you didn't mean it." Niall sympathised. "Lets get you cleaned up and then you can cuddle with me and Harry" Niall suggested. I nodded in approval and slowly got up out of bed.

I was lead to the bathroom by Niall, where he ran me a bath and fetched me new pyjamas. While I was in the bath, Niall cleaned up my bunk and placed new sheets onto the bed.

After my refreshing bath I grabbed my fresh pyjamas and put them on. I walked out of the bathroom to find Niall and Harry sitting on the bunk fast asleep. They looked so tired, probably because they didn't get any sleep last night from taking care of me.

I wandered over to Louis' and Zayn's bunk in search of a hug. I really needed one. I tugged at Zayn's shirt but all he did was grumble. Stupid thought trying to wake up Zayn he likes his lay ins.

I climbed the short distance to Louis' bunk, where I found him on his phone. Probably on twitter again. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked at me and yelled "what do you want?" I felt my eyes start to tear up. "I just wanted a hug!" I whimpered. "I got sick" I practically whispered my throat tightening.

"Oh LiLi, I'm sorry I shouted, com'ere and give me a hug" Louis apologised. We both hugged and waked together to the front of the bus.

Louis poked Harry a couple of times until he woke up. "Wake up Harry, Liam's sick." He said. Harry opened his eyes and replied " I know I was up half the night on this couch with him." "Oh" was the simple reply Louis gave.

After a few more hours, Zayn walked into the living area and sat on the couch with us. "Woah mate you ok?" Zayn asked me. "Not really I got sick earlier but I feel a bit better now" I explained.

After a couple of days in bed I started to feel better. But the next thing I heard was "HARRY! WHY'D YOU THROW UP ON ME?" I had left Harry with the awful bug. So I took care of him just like he took are of me.

A/N sorry it took forever to get this part up I wanted it to be really good. Can I say a mahoosive thank you for 8k reads and over 200 votes I can't believe I've come this far. :)

Love Lucy xxx

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