The swamp

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Be for we get in to this just so you know that some of the chapters contain sexual content that some readers may find distressing ok now that's over let's begin ......... enjoy.......

Shrek came back from doing  his daily  swamp business only to find donkey laying down on the sofa with gingerbread man; to my surprise  I found  a used condom in the bin with cinnamon odour coming from it. I turned around to ask them why they didn't come and get me to join in and they reply with "you're too meaty for us "
I start to feel offended because  I feel my oger isn't good enough for them I grab donkey and say "you will get my load I promise you ".

The next day donkey came up to me and said " I'm sorry pal, maybe  next time,  I'm always ready for your oger " I smile and walk towards the fridge. I get out an onion and bite it roughly. I walk to my room and Fiona  is  laying down and touching her .... and I can't help myself but join in I spread her oger legs and whip out my meat,plunging in as the onion juices start to squirt out the more I push in the harder she grips my ogerious body she is getting tired now but I'm not finished I pump into her more as she's screaming out my name 'yes shrek baby don't stop' I feel her body shake and I go even deeper than ever before I feel it coming I push my mighty force in side she's red now but that won't stop me I pull her in for a kiss and whispers in her ear 'baby ogers have layers and soon you will be shedding a few ' she looks at me confused  my thick green cum is dipping out of her I smile "I love you "she pulls me in tight and kisses me .

shrek and the meaty load Where stories live. Discover now