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"Oh, Chanyeol, you're home!"

Chanyeol is breathing heavily like he had just gone for a run. Which is weird, because Chanyeol doesn't like running (besides running away from bugs). Chanyeol usually doesn't go out either; so Junmyeon was surprised when Chanyeol said he was taking a walk.

"Yeah," Chanyeol pants, "I'm home."

Quickly, he hangs his coat up and takes off his boots, then runs over to sit next to Junmyeon on the couch, not bothering to take off his scarf.

He wonders if Junmyeon moved at all since he left.

"You won't believe who I saw today," Chanyeol says bluntly.

Junmyeon raises an eyebrow. Confusion and curiosity linger in his eyes. "Who?"

"Seungwan. I saw Seungwan."

Junmyeon chokes on the air like Seungwan's name was an astonishment to him. Which - in this case - it sort of was. "Son Seungwan?"

Chanyeol nods furiously. "Yes. She remembers me." He pauses, thinking for a moment. Then, Seungwan's words pop into his head. "Oh, and she says hi."

"Was Irene with her?" Junmyeon almost facepalms. He almost forgot. "Sorry, I mean-"

"Joohyun? No, she wasn't with her," Chanyeol sighs, Junmyeon doing the same.

The side of Junmyeon's lip twitches, discontent spreading across his face. "Well, it was worth a shot."

Chanyeol nods, agreeing with him before something pops into his head.

He reminisces Seungwan's little action before they parted ways.

("Call me.")

His eyes widen as he looks around furiously, and desperately, trying to find his phone. Junmyeon stares at him with utter confusion spreading across his face. "What are you doing?"

Junmyeon knew it was a rhetorical question; he didn't anticipate an answer, as Chanyeol was right there in front of him.

"Looking for my phone."

Junmyeon raises an eyebrow. "Have you checked your pockets?"

Chanyeol looks at him with... actually, Junmyeon can't really tell what kind of look. Kind of like a mix between confusion, relief, frustration, and embarrassment. A short second afterward, Chanyeol facepalms. "I'm such an idiot."

He reaches into the back pocket of his pants - and guess what was there.

Junmyeon chuckles wholeheartedly at the frustration that started to spread across Chanyeol's face.

"Shut up."

"I didn't say anything!" Junmyeon raises his arms in caution.

Chanyeol scoffs, narrowing his eyes. "Touché." He opens up his phone, looking through his contacts before he comes across the name he was searching for.

Wannie ❤️

He smiles shyly at the cute nickname she was given; he was surprised she was still in his contacts. He wondered why neither of them called or even texted each other after the incident. He shrugs it off, pressing the "call" button.

Junmyeon watches him intently, hoping that the woman picks up.

Chanyeol puts her on speaker, waiting patiently.

I've Searched the Universe [discontinued]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang