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-Logan loosing his glasses and then Patton offers his, saying he doesn't need them. Everyone is confused and he tells them that he doesn't actually need them and he can see perfectly fine, and he only wears them so Logan isn't alone.

-Virgil can moonwalk. (He likes to moonwalk out of arguments.)

- Roman then taught himself how to tap dance because he was petty that Vigil wouldn't teach him how to moonwalk.

-Patton knits the other side sweaters for every holiday.

-Virgil likes to make bets. He likes winning.

-He likes betting with Patton on who will win Roman and Logan's rap battle. They both usually bet that Logan will win. Then they just exchanged money.

-Patton bruises easily.

-Virgil hates laughing because he snorts when he laughs.

-Virgil does not use proper grammar when texting.

-Virgil got Logan into Twenty One Pilots

-Patton talks in his sleep.

-Virgil is ticklish

-Virgil is the best singer actually.

-Logan has a sweet tooth.

-Virgil can befriend cats very easily.

-Roman is a little jealous because he can befriend all animals except cats.

-Which sucks because he loves cats. Especially lions.

-Virgil once said 'neato burrito' and both he and Patton used it for a whole week.

-Everyone goes to Patton to tell them about their secrets and so Patton knows everyone's secrets.

-Roman discusses Disney theories with Virgil a lot.

-Roman taught Virgil how to sword fight and sometimes they go on adventures.

-(I just read a lot of theories about Deceit's real name.)

-Virgil wears sweater paws because when he starts to panic, he puts the material to his face and it makes him feel more grounded.

-Virgil likes piggyback rides.

-Logan hates math.

-They all have freckles. Roman having the least and Logan having the most.

-Sometimes they gather in the living room to talk about how much they love Joan.

-Virgil keeps a sketchbook.

-When Logan is excited he stutters.

-Patton sometimes reads dictionaries to learn big words like Logan.

-Logan is non-binary.

-Virgil does the best puppy eyes.

-Patton does the best smirk.

-Patton knows sign language.

-Virgil knows french.

-Roman can easily pick up the others. Patton loves it, Logan wishes he didn't, and Virgil absolutely hates it.

Now my personal favorites that I thought of.

-Logan likes country.

-Virgil actually likes rap

-Patton will sometimes listen to Twenty One Pilots.

-Roman actaully likes Jazz.

Roman: *in his fanciful outfit* You wanna see my final form?

Logan: oh god, sure.

Roman: *Screams*

Roman: *Spins and is in a black and yellow jumpsuit*

Roman: Ya like Jazz?

*Virgil, Patton and Logan are all rolling on the floor dying of laughter*

Virgil: *snorts* ...

*now all of them are laughing on the floor dying.*

Comment on which one you would like to see a One-shot on, because i don't which would be the best.

Edit: I have come up with more throughout today...many pages more... Comment if you would like to see those?

Thomas Sanders Imagines ×Requests Open×Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin