Head-canons Pt 2

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I have loads more of head-canons, so get ready for more!

-Roman feels like Michael from Be More Chill.

-Patton is actually good with machines.

-Virgil loves the rain.

-Patton is in love with the snow.

-Roman likes summer.

-Logan enjoys fall.

-Virgil draws on his hands.

-Patton watches Aphmau

-Patton will swear/make a dirty joke every blue moon.

-Virgil loves sweatpants

-They likes spinney chairs.

-Logan can twirl pens and pencils.

-Patton bounces his leg a lot a Logan hates it.

-Patton and Logan can copy handwriting.

-Roman can mimic voices/sounds

-Patton likes black people. (Not racist I swear) 

-Virgil and Logan crack their knuckles.

-Roman saying keesh as a swear word. (Inside joke)

-Patton sometimes moans to make the others uncomfortable but he doesn't know why it does.

-Logan listens to Pumped Up Kicks a lot.

-Virgil wants a pet spider

-Virgil and Logan like playing Portal.

-Logan likes playing Zelda.

-Patton likes Mario.

-They all like playing Smash Bros, and when they do, Patton is Yoshi, Roman is either Rosalina or Marth, Virgil is Mewtwo, Logan is Zelda, and Thomas is Metaknight or Kirby.

-Roman likes to un-ironically dab.

-Logan grounds Virgil.

-Virgil is terrified of horror.

-Roman loves horror.

-Patton is a meme lord/nerd.

-Patton likes to peel paint and glue.

-Roman can read palms.

-Virgil has a tatoo on his shoulder blade.

-Virgil is good at math.

-Logan meditates.

Alright so that's all I have. Hope you enjoyed this one. Have a good day! Bye!

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