×request× Thomas x reader- Birthday surprise

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3rd Person

Y/n has been constantly going in and out of the apartment that they and their boyfriend Thomas Sanders shared. Because of this occurrence, Thomas had begun jumping to conclusions. He then resorted to asking the sides.

"Guys!" Thomas called the sides up. Each popped into their own place.

"What's the matter kiddo?" Patton asked.

"Y/n has been leaving a lot in the past month." Thomas cried.

"Well obviously they're cheating on you." Virgil concluded. Logan looked downward, then to Virgil.

"Before I even ask you why- Thomas, why are you and Virgil concluding this statement?" He questioned.

"Well...." Thomas started thinking back to about a month, month and a half, ago.

One month ago

"Hey Tommy, I'm going out!" Y/n shouted to the other male in the house. 

"Wait- where?" Thomas asked.

"Oh..Uhhhh...J-Just a friendss...okay bye!" Y/n rushed out the door before Thomas could question any further. Thomas' mind raced to conclusions and questions. What friend? Where does this friend exactly live?? Are they actually 'just friends'?! 

Before Y/n returned, Thomas already had a panic attack and called Joan to stop him from a second and/or third.

Y/n didn't return until late. Meaning late.

3 weeks ago

Y/n headed for the door, scaring Thomas. 

"Ba..." Thomas started. Y/n turned around, looking at Thomas to see if he was saying something. 

He stayed silent. 

Y/n left Thomas once again, him just making the once panic attack a triple panic attack today. 

Thomas didn't stay up to see when Y/n returned, but he knew it was late.


"And thus, they repeated the cycle. Even today. They even left earlier than they usually do! Explain that, Logan!" Virgil was panicking both himself and Thomas.  Logan was left speechless. He had nothing to counter against Virgil's argument. 

Logan sighed in defeat. He had absolute zilch against this. He started to sync down, feeling terrible and unwanted. 

The rest followed.

Thomas then sat on his couch, wondering if he's bothered Joan too much. His eyes stung. Just as a tear slipped, he saw the door open. 

"Hey Tommy Salami! I have something to show you!" Y/n then sat next to Thomas, seeing his confusion. 

"Ca...May I talk to you?" Thomas asked. Y/n saw the seriousness in his eyes. 

"Is there a possibility that you can make it quick? We have somewhere to go!" Y/n pressured.

Thomas then thought about how to put it quickly but lightly. "Ha...Have you been cheating on me?" Thomas regretted the statement already. But Y/n smiled. 

Shit shit shit shit!   Thomas thought. He caught them. He knew it. Fuck.

Y/n then stood up and held out to help Thomas up. "You want to see what I've been doing?" Thomas gulped, but agreed. 

They walked out to the car and Y/n drove to a hill. 

There were balloons and fairy lights, tables which one had a small tower and another was glowing. There was a group of people on the hill and there seemed to also be a small garden of flowers. 

Thomas stepped out of the car and had a blindfold put on his face loosely. He was blindly guided up the hill, stumbling and tripping over the not-so-surprising incline. 

Once he reached the top, the blindfold was taken off and he saw the group of people were his friends. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS!" Everyone screamed. 

Thomas was overwhelmed with emotions and started crying. Everyone hugged Thomas, Y/n being last. They whispered to Thomas so he could hear over the music, "This is what I've been up to." 

Y/n then led Thomas to a more quiet area and explained the situation. 

"Babe, Thomas, I- I am so very sorry for this! I'm sorry if I made it seem different. But me and the rest of the crew were planning this since 2 months ago. No, I am not cheating on you. I would never want to hurt you in any ways that I could stop. All I want to say is that I wish you a very Merry Birthday babe." Y/n kissed his cheek and jogged over to the fruit platter before he could yell at them for the incorrect usage of  Merry and Birthday. 

He joined the rest in the party, figuring out the tower was his presents and the lit up area on the table was his cake. This was definitely the best birthday ever. It was worth the confusion. 

The rest of the night was filled with laughter, flower pictures, fairy lights being dangled over his head, and the cops coming up once for a noise complaint. They then decided to pack up and take the party back to Thomas' and Y/n's place. 

The next day, Thomas saw he was tagged in a picture from last night. It was on Y/n instagram. 

The caption read: 

MY LITTLE BABY BOYFRIEND, ACTOR, SINGER PERSON IS FREAKING 29! (I'm not okay with this. he should be in his early 20's. Not his late.) 

The post was a collection of photo shoot picture from last night. 

Y/n didn't cheat on me, but I definitely cheated on my diet. 

Shut up Patton.

Thomas smiled and got some breakfast, not believing he's 29 either. 

There we go! If you guys would like, i could try and draw those pictures? Anyways, there is your request person who's name i forgot! I guess this is a late birthday oneshot for Tommy. Hope you guys enjoyed! My typing sucks right now so I'll see you guys in the next oneshot!

Go ahead and give your request, if any, down below and I will get to them eventually. 

Peace out! 

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