Fairy Tail abusing me

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Lucy POV

I woke up with sores because fairy tail has been attacking me with magic even my close friends. I walked inside the bathroom and saw my black and blue bruises all over my body. I walked out of my bathroom and started walking to fairy tail. I summoned Plue cause he comforts me. I usually don't go to fairy tail cause they usually tell me to never come there but today I have a feeling that someone is going to come to fairy tail.

I opened fairy tail's doors. When they saw me they threw their magic at me and kept saying "Die!" or "Don't come here weakling!" After they were done I walked over to a lonely table. Natsu came towards me and said "We are kicking you off our team weakling." I said "Whatever." He was shocked. I said "What? You except me to cry? No way! I don't cry! I never cried in my whole lifetime!"

Master came out and I noticed him coming out. I stopped yelling at Natsu and looked at him. He said "Guys! I sense a strong magical aura! And it is not Gildarts Natsu!" Natsu whimpered in the corner and I giggled. Master said "I think it's coming to fairy tail! So everyone get into your battle stances!"

I didn't do anything cause everyone is telling me I am weak. I sat at the bar watching in front. The guild doors crashed open. It was a cloaked person. Everyone threw their magic at her. She whispered "cancel." I can't believe I heard that I mean I am all the way in the back and the person is in the front I bet the dragonslayers didn't even hear that. Master was shocked and said "How did you do that? And Who are you and What are you doing here?" The person said "Man. Is everyone here nosy like their master?" Natsu yelled "No and don't do you dare call our master like that!" The person said "Whatever I want to join."

Master said "Tell us your name and magic." The person took off her cloak and she looked like me but long pink hair and blue eyes! She said " My name is Luna Acno. My magic is every magic there is and I have a little twin sister."

What Luna looks like:

Fairy tail was shocked

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Fairy tail was shocked. Master said "What!? Why do you have Acno in your name!?" Luna said "Ow! I have dragon hearing! Acno is my dad and Layla is my mom!" What? Her mother has the same name as mine? I guess Layla is a common name. I wonder who is her little twin sister. She looked trusting enough so I ran towards and said "Hello! My name is Lucy! I'm a cestrial mage!" I put my hand in front of her, she smiled and shakes my hand. She said "Nice to meet you Lucy! My mom had cestrial keys then she trusted in my little twin sister to keep them." I said "What was your sister's name?" She said "Her name is Emily Acno."

Natsu told Luna "Don't talk to this weakling! You are strong you can't be friends with her." She said "One don't tell who I can and can't talk to. Second Igneel thinks you are a horrible son cause you treat Lucy like crap." I got angry, I got a glass of water and yelled "Open gate of the water bearer Aquarius!" She said "Yes Lucy? I got a date with Scorpio." I said "OK maybe I can call Scorpio so he won't get mad. Open gate of Scorpio!" Scorpio came out and I said "You two get Natsu!" They said "OK!" They knocked out Natsu and I was happy.

Luna was shocked. I turned over to her and said "What's wrong Luna?" She said "How did you get the Aquarius key!" I said "My mother Layla gave me the Aquarius key when I was young. She was my first key." Luna whispered "Emily." I said "Why did you call me Emily?" She was shocked again and said "How can you hear me?" I said "I don't know I never had sensitive hearing but when you came and I heard you whispering cancel." Luna was tearing up and yelled "Sister!"

She gave a big hug and I said "Ow! That hurt you know! How come I am your sister? I never had a sister growing up." She said "Oops. Sorry. Right I need to unseal your memories." She put a finger on my forehead. When she was done I teared up and yelled "Sister! I missed you!"

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