An Interesting Start to the Day

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Hey guys! I've never really posted a story here before. At least my for Kotlc. I've tried to, but there just wasn't a lot of reviews so I took it down and put it up on where lots of people looked at it so I felt a little special. ;) But I've been debating on this story and I wanted to try and put something out there so I hope y'all like it!

Confusion and incompetency; those were the two things that always happened across young Sophie Foster's life. She sighed as she walked in through the door of her new school, having no idea where the heck to go. Transitioning from one school to another was always hard—especially if that school was in a whole other world that you had previously no clue existed. Oh, and also the fact that the subjects are completely different—not to mention complicated. Elementalism? What exactly was that anyways?

Sophie sighed deeply. This was bordering on too much for her to handle right now. Being surrounded by so many people always made her anxious—by habit of course, as their thoughts would go searing through her brain. But since elves had such quiet minds, she couldn't hear their thoughts and she wasn't used to it. It was almost more unnerving than relieving to not be able to hear their thoughts actually—since it's out of the normal for her. But then again, so is this entire world. So she might as well just brace herself for the whole lot of surprise that she is sure she will encounter in the near future.

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, Sophie checked her schedule again. At the top right corner she reread the words that instructed her to wait at the front of the main office so that she could meet a boy named Dexter Dizznee to show her around the school. But there was a small problem: she had no idea where that was. The school building was huge—how on earth was she supposed to find where this is? Sophie internally groaned when the thought of asking somebody popped up into her mind. When she lived in the human world, stuff like that didn't go very well and she didn't want to risk any chances with this new world. Folding up her schedule, Sophie decided to find her locker instead, assuming it would be best to start with something easier. Hopefully it would close to the office, though Sophie doubted it. Lucky things didn't usually happen to people like her very often.

The locker did prove itself easy to find, and Sophie had little to no trouble getting to it, the trip only taking her a couple of minutes. As expected, the office was no where near in sight of it, but at least her locker was in a generally quiet hallway. People here seemed less populated and outgoing as the others she'd seen, but still social nonetheless. Sophie held her lock in her hand, briefly wondering how to open it, until she remembered with disgust that it had a lick strip. She personally found it disgusting to have to lick things in order to open stuff, but she might as well get used to it.

"Please don't be disgusting, please don't be disgusting...." Sophie changed to herself softly as she reached down and gave the lock the tiniest lick. She was surprised yet delighted (and also very relieved) to discover that the taste for today had been set to taste like mallowmelt. Sophie's mouth nearly watered at the mention of the tasty cake she'd recently just discovered as well. The taste in a way gave her more hope for the day as she loaded up her locker with her books and binders.

Afterwards, she hooked her bag into the locker and closed it shut, clutching her alchemy books and binder to her chest. She was about to start off walking when she realized yet again, that she had no idea where she was going. Sophie groaned defeatedly and let her head fall back against the locker. She had a feeling this was going to be a loooong day... "Hi! Are you lost?" A chirpy voice came from the side of her and Sophie turned to see a very pretty blonde-haired girl who was sporting the same uniform as she. She also had twisted braids among her flowy long blonde locks and Sophie couldn't help but trace them with her eyes for a moment. "Um, yeah I am. Is it that obvious?" Sophie said, shrugging her shoulders up a little sheepishly. The girl laughed. "Only because I've noticed you've been looking up and down and all around from your schedule for the past six minutes," she said.

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