Ways to Make You Seem Stupid (Fitz style)

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Heyo I'm back I apologize that I haven't updated lately I've been a little busy with other fanfics, and I have way too many ideas for new ones hat I have absolutely no time to start. So yeah. I'm sorry if this chapter is short but I'll try and update more often.

The tension in the air was suffocating. Sophie watched in awe as Fitz had successfully captivated and intimidated almost the entire cafeteria with a couple of words. Fitz didn't seem to care that everyone's eyes were on him though. He simply waited patiently for one of them to respond to him.

Finally Stina managed to buck up he courage to utter a few words. "Fitz.... what a surprise..." she chuckled nervously. "What are you doing," Fitz asked her calmly, but the frigid ice laced through his tone was noticeable enough to send shivers up everyone's spine. Sophie noticed that the girls visibly shuddered. "N-nothing! Nothing at all!" Stina exclaimed, raising her hands in defense. Fitz just stared at her blankly. Stina visibly gulped. "Uh- um," she stuttered, her eyes darting around nervously, looking anywhere but at him. "What, um, what're you doing here?" Fitz rose an eyebrow at her. "It's the cafeteria," he stated plainly. "It's lunch break. Must I continue to explain or do you think you can figure the rest out for yourself?"

Keefe laughed at that as Stina turned red. "I'm not stupid," she snapped at him, before her eyes widened a fraction, and she quickly looked back down, almost as if remembering who she was talking to.

Ferra then decided to speak up. "I-it's just that you never eat in the cafeteria, and......." she trailed off as Fitz's gaze shifted onto her, intimidation making her lose her voice completely. "And because of that, it gives you the right to torment my sister and her friends?" He questioned her nonchalantly, his tone sounding unamused.

Stina, Maruca, And Ferra immediately started talking over one another, sputtering out excuse after excuse in order to shield themselves from Fitz's possible wrath. "Nonononono, that's not what happened at all!" Maruca exclaimed, shaking her hands and her head in a 'no' gesture.

Fitz glanced at Biana, who quirked an eyebrow at him, before looking back at the girls, his face clear of emotion but his eyes full of skepticism. "........really," he drawled, slowly raising an eyebrow at them. "Then why are you here? You know nobody at this table likes you." Sophie couldn't help but blink at the blatant statement that came out of Fitz's mouth. No one else looked surprised though, and Keefe just grinned wider. At seeing her surprised expression, he just laughed and whispered, "he's a very blunt person."

No kidding, Sophie thought to herself.

Stina and her friends gaped in indignation. "Rude...." Maruca grumbled under her breath although not quiet enough for Fitz to not hear her, and she flinched slightly as she noticed the boy's stoic eyes fall on her. Fitz merely shrugged though. "Rude, but true," he said. "And I know for a fact that none of you like any of them either. Which also begs the same question; what're you doing here?"

Fitz eyes then blankly as they start to spout out a bunch of excuses to him. "We were, Uh, we were just saying hi to the new girl!" Stina said, Maruca and Ferra nodding vigorously behind her in agreement.



Fitz eyed Sophie and she felt her heart flutter a bit. His eyes weren't interrogative and harsh like they were with the three girls—they were softened. Almost as if he was thinking solemnly about her. Sophie blushes and ducked her head down a little. She couldn't look into Fitz's eyes for too long; she would end up staring. Probably gawking too.

When Fitz turned back to look at the three girls, his eyes became so incredibly closed off, Sophie wondered if she had maybe just imagined them being soft at all. "Okay," he says, "So you say hi to Sophie only to insult her afterwards, along with my sister and Dex," he said, and the girls froze, realizing that Fitz had heard almost everything they had said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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