Mean Girls (elven style)

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Hey guys long time no write! Sorry I've been hella busy with school and such and I don't find much time to write unfortunately. But here's a port for you guys now! Hope you like!

Thankfully for her, she didn't end up in more trouble today so she was able to get to go to lunch freely. Keeping her head down, Sophie trudged silently through the hallways, books clutched quite rightly to her chest as she approached her locker. She managed to open it without clumsily dropping everything in her hands and tried to ignore the stares and whispers from everyone that passed her. Sighing, she placed her books in her locker and got out her bag, thankful for the lunch that Edaline packed her, as she knew whatever was within it would be delicious. At least that was one thing she could look forward to.

Turning around, she nearly jumped in surprise when she saw a figure almost directly behind her. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to startle you," a sweet voice spoke. Sophie shook her head. "No, no, it's okay," she said, closing her locker quickly before turning around to face the person properly. She very well nearly gaped at the sight of what had to be the most beautiful girl she had ever seen in front of her—and judging by the fact that everyone in this school looked like models, this was definitely saying a lot. Sophie suddenly felt incredibly ugly standing beside her. "Hi! I'm Biana! Dex mentioned that you were going to sit with us at lunch a little earlier before, so I wanted to come meet you and see if you wanted to walk together," she said happily. So this was Biana..... Woah. Keefe definitely wasn't exaggerating when he said she was beautiful.

It took a few moments before Sophie completely processed what she said. She gave Biana a shocked look. "You wanted to come and meet me?" She asked incredulously. Biana nodded, missing the pure surprise in her tone. "Mhm! I mean, if that's not too weird of course," she chuckled a bit. Sophie almost immediately shook her head. "Nonononono, that's really kind of you! Thanks," she said, smiling at the girl. Biana's smile in return practically radiated with her shiny white teeth. "I'm just a little surprised, I mean, since I'm the new kid, everyone either avoids me or low key stalks and talks about me," she murmured, rubbing her arm uncomfortably as they began to walk. "Especially because of my eyes."

Biana tilted her body forward to glance at her face briefly, before frowning. "What's wrong with your eyes?" She asked confusedly. Sophie paused for a moment before looking at her with a similar expression to the one she was currently receiving. "They're brown," she said, as if that notion was obvious enough. But Biana only shrugged. "So? I think they're cool. Pretty too," she said simply, continuing to walk.

Sophie blushed at the compliment. "Oh, uh, thank you," she said, cursing herself for how awkward she sounded. Biana just gave her a pretty smile, seemingly not noticing the amount of tension in Sophie's body, as they continued to walk. "It's no problem. Look, people can be pretty judgemental here because, well they all act the same. Anytime there's something different, they don't know how to react," she explained to her, before chuckling lightly "don't worry, I get weird stares too for the way I can sometimes act out in the hallways." Sophie found it very hard to believe that someone could have the nerve to stare weirdly at someone as gorgeous as Biana, but she kept quiet. "I won't lie to you and say that it will go away eventually; no, there's always going to be those one or two kids who still aren't used to the idea of something different. But it will get better later on," the brunette said, patting her shoulder and giving her a sympathetic smile. "Trust me."

Sophie managed to give her a small, timid smile in return, grateful for the compassion and kindness. she felt lucky that such a sweet girl wentout of her way to make a nobody like herself feel welcome. As they neared the cafeteria, Sophie found herself subconsciously scanning the area for Fitz. She couldn't see him anywhere. She supposed that was a given though since she couldn't see Dex either, and form what she had learned from both her cousin and Keefe himself, the two never went to lunch without each other. She did however, see Marella. She was sitting a few tables away from the back with some girls she didn't recognize, and when the two made eye contact with each other, they exchanged kind smiles and waves.

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