Chapter 3

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Dinah's POV

Right now I'm with Camila since the two couples are having there dates. Camila and I are just here in a secret place she told me about that surprisingly no one comes here. It's shady because of the clustered palm trees that surrounded the spot where we are right now,  and the view of the sea is so beautiful. Camila's head is on my lap while I am playing with her hair. "Dinah what's your favorite color?" She asked. I looked down at her and wow she looks so cute and adorable. "Black, blue and red." I said answering her question "How about you?" I asked. "Same as yours but add orange." She replied back. I nodded my head. Camila sighed. "You know what's hard?" She asked looking at me expectedly as if I know the answer. I shake my head no. "When your parents decided that they would let you marry someone that you have no idea that existed, and didn't even let you know or decided whether you like it or not." I nodded my head sadly. Camila and I understand each other in that situation. That is probably why when we first met we just clicked. Camila stood up and offered me her hand "C'mon let's go for a walk." She said. I smiled brightly to her and takes her hand. I intertwined our hands together as we began walking. "I haven't really walked around here." Camila said as she swayed our hands back and forth while looking around. This feeling feels so right. I mean our hands intertwined feels like it fits perfectly. This is perfect. Thinking about this makes me feel funny in the pit of my stomach. A good kind of funny. I looked at her "Really?" I asked in disbelief. "You know about this wonderful place but you didn't bother looking around to discover it even more?" I asked as I looked around. She nodded her head "Yes, because what's the point of discovering a wonderful place alone?" She asked and looked at me but before I can even answer she continued "Because if you discovered something great and wonderful you want to show it or share it with someone who's special to you. So that you will be both happy, but you will not be happy because you discovered something great, it's because you saw that person happy." She said as she let go of my hand and ran. She looked behind her shoulders and sticked her tongue out "Catch me if you can." She screamed. I shake my head while smiling at her cuteness. "Run as fast as you can then!" I screamed. I started chasing her when all of the sudden she slipped and I caught her but I lost my balance and now she's on top of me. I was looking straight at her beautiful brown eyes.

Camila's POV

Wow, her eyes are so warm and welcoming. I think I'll thank my clumsiness later for this. I stared deeply at her eyes as I started leaning in and she did the same. Our lips are so close I think there's only a half inch between. As I was about to close the gap my phone started ringing and that broke both of our trances. Dammit! Curse you phone! Why?? I stood up and helped Dinah. I answered my phone "Hello?" I asked. "Woah Camila You sound a bit annoyed their. Did I interrupt something?" Lauren asked. "I-uh-I You-No_ Did not interrupt anything" I said looking around while Dinah shifted on where she is standing right now. I know both of us are trying NOT to look at each other. "Yeah right" Lauren chuckled. "Are you with Dinah?" she asked. I looked over at Dinah and she smiled at me, I smiled back and all my worries are gone, because I thought I would be awkward for both of us now.

Me: Yeah I'm with her. Why'd you ask?

Lauren: Where are you guys? We can go pick you guys up.

Me: It's ok you guys don't have to pick us up. We're close at home anyways

Lauren: Alright then, because Ally and I found this amazing place where you can watch the sunset perfectly.

Me: Really where?

Lauren: Behind the mountain that is behind your house.. I'll explain if you guys come here so hurry.

Me: Alight we will be there.

We hang up and I looked over at Dinah. She looked at me with bright smile. I walked up to her and wrap my arms around her neck. Oh My Gosh. What is happening to me? Where did all this confidence come from? She wrapped her arms around my waist. "What is going on your head beautiful?" I asked. She shakes her "Nothing" She smiled at me. "So who was that on the phone?" She asked. "Lauren" I said. She raised her eyebrows at me "She wants us home right now so that we can watch the sunset with them." I explained. "But it's still lunch time." She said. "They want us their now." I said. "Oh ok then. lets go?" She asked. We both unwrapped our arms from each other. I intertwined our fingers together and we started walking. We joked around and nudge each other and playfully splash each other. We were laughing when we entered my house. "There you guy are" Ally said. "Where do you guys want us here so early?" Dinah asked. "We have a surprise for Mila." Ally said. "Really?" Where is it?" But before anyone can talk someone covered my eyes. "Guess who!" A familiar voice said. I turned around and was surprised of who is infront of me. "Arianna!' I squealed as I excitedly wrap my arms around her waist hugging her. "Someone's excited." She said. "I got you flowers by the way." She said offering me the flowers. "So you won't introduce me with your friend?" Dinah said. I looked at her and she looked so blunt. She probably thinks I have a girlfriend........ This needs a little explaining.

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