Chapter 2: FavermySaber x Daisy

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Daisy POV

I was watching the latest video on Sabres Channel that he has a girlfriend. Which kinda made me jealous, which I didn't like it. Minecon started tomorrow and I'm at a hotel and you know who shows up Saber and his girlfriend Alexa is her name. Moose yes he's my best friend as well as Sabers, I known him since grade 2. "Hey you look jealous" he said nudging me a little and yes he knows about my little crush towards Saber. "No" that all I say before I walk up to Moose and I's shared Room with two bedrooms. "Look Daisy, I know your jealous...." then I was crying because my best friend was on his side. "Hi I'm Alexa your Daisy and Moose right" that's all she needed to say before I open the door and close it again. "Did I say something" I hear Alexa say "no she's just upset about her family" Moose lied to her. "Oh I'll be off then see you two tomorrow" "bye Alexa"

Moose POV

Daisy let me in about ten minutes after Alexa left. "Hey why di......" she cut me by saying. "We should make them jealous of us" "Why" "because I think Alexa likes you more than Saber" she finishes saying. That was a perfect idea "we should put this plan into affect tomorrow" I say and she nods. "Oh Moose thank you for lieing for me, you didn't have to that" "that's what friends are for"

Daisy POV

"Beep Beep" I turn the alarm off and wake up Moose. "Hey Moose it's time to get up for Minecon" "I don't wanna" he mumbled. "Remember the plan, we where going to make Alexa and Saber jealous today" then he shot up "Oh fudge now I'm dizzy" he said holding his head. "You should've sat up to quietly, now get ready." He nodded and went to get changed.

*hour later*

"Moose let's go we will be late" I yelled at him. "I'm coming" he said walking out of the bathroom l. It was 7:30 in the morning and we had to be there at 8:00. But it only took an 5 minute walk so we where half hr early. "Hey Daisy don't you think this plan will work. Like I mean Saber told me he doesn't get jealous easily" "well Moose we would have to try a little more" I replied to Moose's question. "Now hold my hand to make it more realistic that we're dating" he nodded had went for it. "Thanks for being there I needed you to be Moose" "no problem Daisy, you would do the same to me if I had a problem" "true". We went in and saw that everything was set up. "You look like you haven't been here in years" "Well I haven't been here in about two years " I replied. "Hey guys" both Moose and I turn too see Saber and his new girlfriend Alexa. "Hey Saber and Alexa. You probably didn't know but Daisy and I are dating now" Moose said. I was happy that Moose said it and not me.

Moose's POV

The look on Saber's face. He was confused that Daisy and I started dating all of a sudden. "Saber Hey Saber it's rude to stare" Daisy kinda yelled. "Sorry, I'm kinda surprised that you two are dating" he said kinda jealous. "Hey Moose can I talk with you alone" she said has we were all walking to the food court. "Yeah, we'll see you guys later" "okay see ya"

*5mins later*

"What's wrong" "something is up. Like with Saber, he would never act like this....." she paused then started up again "I also noticed something on the back of his neck" "you think Alexa is minecontorling him" she responded with a nod.

Daisy POV

I wasn't the only one whom thought this. Shark had pulled Moose and I off to the side saying he saw a cip or something on his neck. "Okay I have a plan. Shark you deseact Alexa with something and Moose and I well try to get that thing off Saber" I said that when I saw Saber and Alexa head towards his panel. "Follow me" Shark went to find Alexa since Moose and I have the same panel with Saber. "We welcome three Favourite YouTubers. So come on up FaverMySaber, ItsMooseCraft and Diasy325-PlayzMinecraftandMore" the three of us come onto the stage. When all of us got sheeted Moose sat on the right side of Saber and I sat beside Moose. "Hey do you think this will work" Moose whispered to me.

Sharks POV

I saw Alexa backstage and I called her over because I wasn't allowed back there. "Hey what's up" "May we walk around a little" I asked "sure" we started to walk around and I noticed the same cip on Alexa as I did on Saber. "May I ask were you got that neet tattoo." "I don't know but I need help to get this cip off" "Okay come with me" I said and luckily she follows.

*1hr later*

"Ow" "Sorry and there" I say putting a bandage on the wound. "Now we help Saber" "argeed."

Daisy's POV

After what happened earlier today with Shark and Alexa. She told us that someone took both her and Saber and put those cips in their necks but she can't remember why. "Okay so we need to get Saber here" everyone agreed. "Hey Daisy can I talk to you for a second" Alexa stops me why'll Moose and Shark continue to walk. "When me and Saber were trapped he said he likes you a-and I took h-him from you..." "Hey Alexa it's not your fault it was the cip" when I said that she hugged me "also stop trying to make me jealous with you and Moose dating and I do like him.." "I will" we caught up with Moose and Shark. "Hey Moose the plan can stop Alexa knows" "Okay" Moose replied "wait you two aren't actually dating" Shark sounded shocked. Moose and I shook our heads yes. "Alexa you left without telling me where you were.." Alexa punched Saber dead in the nose knocking him out. "Sorry my bad" Alexa said "Okay... let's take him to your room Alexa" since we were at the hotel. "Moose and Shark pick him up" they both picked up Saber and helped him to the elevator.

*1hr later*

We got the cip out of Saber. About 3hrs later Saber was waking up "MOOSE, HE'S UP GET A GLASS OF WATER" I yell as Moose comes in with a glass of water. "Hey Saber" when I say that he starts to sit up. "Hey careful, how are you feeling" "sore" he replies. "Well Alexa did hit you in the nose and we, well I mean Shark pulled out the cip that was in your neck" Alexa comes in when Moose said that. "Hey what happened" "I don't remember either Saber" Alexa replies. "Daisy can I ask you something" "ask away Saber" Moose and Alexa walk out, so we can have some peace and quiet. "Would you be my girlfriend" "yes I will Saber, what about Alexa though" "good question, I'll make a video saying I have broken up with her and say you are my girl and..." I cut him of by kissing him. "You lips are soft" he said braking the kiss.

Daisy POV

It's been about three months since that incident at Minecon, and three months since he asked me to be his girl. Saber's POV

*one year later*

"Beep Beep Beep" I rolled over to turn off the alarm. Then I realized it was me and Daisy's one-year anniversary and I wanted to do something for her. "Hey D wake up I have something for you" when I said that she shoots right up. "Fudge got up to fast" she said holding her head. Yes, with her that's how I get her up. "So, want to go to a restaurant I'll pay" I said and kissed her. "Maybe. Happy one-year anniversary babe" "love you too" we kissed again, then the doorbell rang. "I got it" I say getting up. "Moose hey why are you here early" "Minecon is in two days le..." "Babe is that Moose" Daisy yells from the stairs. "Hey Girl" they hugged. "Come in, we were planning to go tomorrow" Daisy replies to Moose's question. "Do you need something to eat" she was tired because it was 6:30 in the morning. "Ah sure but I can make it you look tired" Moose knows she hates cooking at 6 in the morning. "Hey babe what restaurant were you thinking" Daisy said hugging me, "I was thinking the fancy one downtown" kissing her afterwards. "I love you S" S was my nickname to her and D was my nickname to me. "I love you to D" "as much as I like cooking I don't like you two doing that" Moose said kinda jealous. "Someone is jealous that his best friend from gr 2 has a boyfriend" Daisy was now teasing him.

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