Chapter 3: DBD Vampire Jake x Dwight

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Dwight POV: I ran though the Red Forest because my older brother was chasing me. I was running because my family abuses me because I'm gay and that's why Daryl was chasing me. I tripped on a root and fell, that's when I heard Daryl scream. I stayed on the ground for about five minutes before getting up. When I did, I saw him lying on the ground and with vampire bites on his neck. I leaned against a tree because my left ankle was hurting. I looked around for the person who killed my brother and I saw the most handsome guy with blood cover clothes. Then I realized that it was Jake from high school, and I had a crush on. He walked over to me as I collapsed into his arms and blacked out.

Jake POV: I walked over to Dwight in time to catch him as he collapsed. "Hello Dwight" I whispered to him. I pick him and carry him to my cabin and lay him on my bed. I saw his ankle was twisted and I started to fix it.

Dwight POV: I woke up in a room. With my ankle in a make sift cast. I tried to move but tensed up when I felt someone move beside me. I look and see Jake lying beside me, I didn't want to wake him, but I had to. "Hey Jake Hey" I say nudging him. "Mmnnnn Five more minutes" "Jake wake up its...." I look around to a clock "if you are looking for a clock, I don't have one" he says getting up and walking to my side of the bed and helped me up. As I struggle to walk, he says "here let me help up" as he picks me up byrdle style. My face goes bright red and I say "T-Thank you. But why are you helping me, you kind of bullied me in high school" he looks down at me and said "after you had to tutor me, well kind of before I said you could help me at your house, you said no but I had on insisted you said fine I finally say how your family treated you for being you know..." "yeah I know, but did you..." he cut my off by kissing me. I soon kissed back, as he sat me on a chair without breaking the kiss and sat on my lap. About five minutes of our make out session we broke apart for air. "J-Jake I had a crush on you for about a year n' a half. I am in love with you" I say. Jake at this point is unbuttoning my top and I could see his vampire teeth. I tilted my head to the side as he bit my neck.

Jake POV: I was half paying attention to what Dwight was saying because I was to focused on his shirt. As I opened my mouth, I saw him tilt his head to one side and I took this as an opportunity and bit him. I felt him move his hand to his mouth to muffle his scream. As I move from his neck to breath to his lips then I got up to make him breakfast. I couldn't eat food like Dwight could. "Hey Dwight, do you want eggs and bacon" I say turning to see him nod. "Jake how long have you.... been a vampire" he asked "11 years why" I reply. "Just wondering that's all" he finally said. "Do you what to become one" "yes, no, maybe" unsure with his answer. "I will let you think on that Babe" I say, seeing him blush.

Dwight POV: I felt my face heat up when he said babe. I ate my breakfast that he made. After that he picked me up and placed me in his room and whispered to stay put and people were coming. I stay where I was as I hear a gun shot. Then footsteps coming my way, I got up and hid under the bed and put my hand over my mouth. I watch as two set of feet and one of the pair was dragging Jakes limp body. Then one of them spoke "where is the boy Jake" "I don't know what you are talking about David" Jack said a bit painfully. "Ace drop him and help me search the house for Dwight" David said to, I think is Ace. Ace and David left the room and closed the door. Jake looked at me and opened a small sliding door and mentioned me to go though.

Jake's POV: I slid open a trap door and mentioned Dwight to go though. He slid from under the bed and went through the door. I told him I will open it again as I closed the door. I heard David and Ace come back return to my room. "Boss he isn't here" Ace said as he got smacked by David. "I see that" he said looking at me with his purply-blue eyes. "We will be back Jakey Bear" David said picking me up and roughly kissed me. But I didn't kiss back, David said as he stopped "you will love me, Jake." David and Ace started to leave, they turned as he said "oh that Dwight will be killed" then they left.

Dwight's POV: Isaw what David did to Ace. Then I would remember when he would do that to me. Yes,me and David are cousins and I hated him. Jake opens the trap door and I struggledto get out. Jake helped me out, "Jake, David is my cousin and Ace is friend by choice,they also bullied me in high school" I say limping to the kitchen. "Did you know David is a lot like me" he says as I nodded. "Hey why did David kiss you" I say as he looks at me and said, "David and I were a thing a while ago and I cut it off when the Abuse got to worse", then he started to cry. "But we need to get out of here before David comes back" Jake said wiping away tears from his face. 

Ace's POV: I ran to Jake's Cabin to warn hi and Dwight of David's Plan

*Flash back*

David and I ran back to his and his family's home. My face was still sore from what David hitting me. Dwight's little sister told me David was going to kill her older Brother Dwight.

*End Flash Back*

I reached the cabin with Daisy on my back. "Jake, Jake let me in its Ace" I say as he opens the door. Daisy got of my back and ran to Dwight. "Big Bro, David is going to kill you" she stats.

Jake's POV: I open the door to Ace bagging on it. "Big Bro David is going to kill you' this little girl runs to Dwight. "Ace we need help to get somewhere else" I say letting him in.

One day later

"Thanks Ace, for your help. Ace you could stay here with us to be safe" I say as he starts to protest then agrees. "Daisy will also stay here with us" Dwight said, "you don't want her to get hurt do you" Ace says Dwight agrees with ace.    

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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