FaverMySabre x Daisy Part 2

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Moose POV

After about an hr I left to get to the airport for my flight to Texas. Yeah, I was jealous that both my friends are dating but I am happy that they have each other.


S- Saber

M- Moose

M- you better not hurt her or I'll hurt you

S- I won't and someone is over protective

M- I have known her since grade 2 dude and she has a fragile heart.

S- I know she is sitting beside me right now.

M- well she does

M- see ya my plan is here.

S- bye see u at minecon

With that I turned off my phone and got on the plan.

Saber's POV

We were let in and about an hr Daisy had her panel. "WELCOME TO MINECON PANEL NUMBER ONE AND TODAY WE ARE WELCOMING DAISY325-PLAYZMINECRAFTANDMORE" the anowncer said and everyone clapped. "AND THE HOST OF LAST YEARS MINECON ALEXPLAYZMINECRAFT" "So Daisy how was life outside of YouTube" "well Alex life is amazing meeting new people and getting the325crew into a new organization schedule."

Daisy's POV

After Saber and I got to our hotel room. We got to the hotel around 10:30 the night before and we were tired.

Saber's POV

When the bus stopped at the hotel Daisy was fast asleep. Shark had come with us, same with Unspeakable. So they had our bags, "two room for 5 days, please and thank you" Nathan (unspeakable) Said. "Certainly here are the four key cards" the front desk person said "Saber and Daisy are in room 210 and Nathan and Shark are in room 216" she added on. Nathan took the key cards and let me into Daisy and I's room and layed the cards on my luggage. "See you two in the morning" Nathan said "same if I can get her up" I replied.

*The next morning at 6:30*

Daisy POV

I got up with the alarm going off. "Hey babe it's time for MineCon" since we were cuddling I turn in spot and kiss him rather ruff. "Um" was his only answer before kissing back with the same amount of ruffness. Then he crawled on top of me and kissed down my neck to my coller bone. "S-Saber not n-now we're at a-a h-hotel" "but I like it" Saber was still asleep. Sleeping now are we, since he was on top I started to take of my button up top. Then I rethought it "Hey babe can we do this later" then he clasped on me. "Ough" about 30 mins later he woke up. "Why am I on you" S said "well you were sleeping and you ended up kissing my collor bone" "Sorry babe, let's get changed" I agreed. When we got dressed I jumped when Saber come up behind me and kissed my neck. "Babe can you help me with remembering for my panel tomorrow" he stated "that's tomorrow Babe. I'll help you tonight ok, now get ready because I have a panel today" "okay" with that we were at the fount doors for the sercuity let us in, which they did.

Saber's POV

I forgot she had panel today. When we got in early, Daisy and I broke off from the group and went to her panel to set up. "Hey girl" someone said and we turned around and he hugged Daisy. "Hi Matt, how are you" "Hi I'm Saber, her-" I was cut off by Matt "I know she texted me earlier this year." Now I am mad, well more like jealous. One of her best friends is talking to her and I'm not use to it. "hey bae are you okay" "y-yeah" I reply "Your jealous of me, Saber" Matt said. "I'll meet you back at the hotel room." "Oh okay."

Matt's POV

When I saw Saber leave, I turned to meet with my twin sisters smiling face."Does Saber not know we are twins not ex's" she shook her head no. "I-I Kinda forgot to tell him, and I think he was jealous. But ill tell him later" she replied. "Hey do you want to help me with my panel we are here an hr early" and of course I said yes. About after 40 minutes we were done setting up, she got an call. "Hey Babe" Saber of course.

Daisy's POV



Hey Babe what's wrong -D

S- Who is he

Before you hang up. Matt is my twin brother and I forgot he was coming this year. -D

S- Okay do want me to come back and appoligis to him

You can its up to you. -D

S- Okay see you and Matt after the panel.

S- Oh before I go what finger size are you

Size 5 -D

S-Love you Bye

I was about to say love you back to him but he hung up. About 8:00 am started MineCon and my panel started at 9 o'clock. When my panel started I was live-streaming to YouTube of the live start up of Tales Of Old's. I was done around 10:40 due to taking everything down and moving it back up to the hotel room because I didn't have another panel.

Moose's POV

I just help Daisy move her stuff back to the hotel room with her twin brother Matt and then I got a text from Saber.

S-Saber M-Moose

S- Hey you blindfold Daisy and bring her to park were all of us meet.

S- I have texted the others not to come.

Like blindfold her and drop her off. Or lead her to You-M


Okay dude -M

"Hey Daisy, Lets do the blindfold challenge" I said showing Matt the Texts from Saber. "Uh Sure, let me go and buy a couple of blindfold" she replied then left. "Hey guys Moose here......."

Daisy POV

I came back to the hotel and handed the blindfolds to Moose. Then he blindfolded me. "Moose where are you taking me" I asked confused. "Uh to the airport" I can tell Moose was lieing but I went with it. I was helped to seemed what was the front seat of Matt's GT. How could I know it was Matt's car, well he has soft seat protecters on his seats.

*1 hr later*

Moose's POV

Matt stopped at the park. "10 maybe 15 minutes to pick up" I said, and I nodded. I walk the still blindfolded Daisy down the path. "Stay here he will be here soon" I say, she nodded.

Saber's POV

I walked down the path to see Daisy there and still blindfolded. "You can take the blindfold of" she did and turned to me on one knee holding a box with a ring in it. "Daisy will you marry me" she hugged me, we ended up falling when she did. "I'll take that as a yes"

*Total words 2662*

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