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Hey, I'm Amberly or Amber Herron. I'm 16 years old, and I'm the twin sister of Zach Herron.  I know, a lot of you more than likely don't know me, nor have ever heard of me, but that's ok. I'm not in the "limelight" like my brother. "Limelight" see what I did there? Lol. Anyway, mine and Zach's lives couldn't be more different. His life consist of luxury, traveling, money, love, and singing. Mine on the other hand, consists of love, torment, and averageness. I go to normal school, while he is tutored and goes to 11th grade online. I love my twin bro, but sometimes, he's hard to handle. Believe you me, I know he looks just "adorable and innocent" just like Ryan and Reese, but he's not always. Want to follow my life as well as Zach's? Come on, I'll show you around. Ready? Let's go.

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