Chapter 6 These Boys

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Zach looked at the driver and said, "Excuse me sir, we're ready to go."
The chauffer nodded, and said, "Next stop the Why Don't We house. I just got word that the other boys got picked up earlier and are at the house waiting for us."

Zach said, "Thank you."

The chauffer nodded, and we were on our way. I looked at Zach and smiled, "I can't wait to see the boys, It's been a while."

Zach said, "Yeah it has. Also, they don't know that you're here so it's gonna be surprise, so watch what you tweet."

We laughed and said, "Ok."

Twenty minutes later, we arrived in the driveway of the Why Don't We house, and I saw the the boys in the pool squirting each other with water guns. Before we got out Zach said, "Ok, so here's the plan, they won't be able to see you when you get out so, wait about 10 seconds after I get out before you do, and do it quickly and quietly so that they don't notice a car door randomly opening."
I nodded, "Got it."
Zach nodded, "Sir, my sister is going to stay in here for a few seconds, hope you don't mind. Here's a 20 for the few seconds wait."
The chauffeur took the money but kept quiet. Zach sighed and got out. I sat there and counted to 10 in my head, "1...2...3...4..."
I looked out my window at the beautiful buildings below and I was astonished at how high up we were.
"5...6...7...8...9...10, ok, time to quickly and quietly get goes."
I opened the door and got out as quick as I could then quietly closed it. I sat on the side on the car and listened to the boys conversation, "Dude, why do you have so many bags?"
It sounded like Daniel. Someone else said, "Yeah what are you, a girl?"
That sounded like Jack. I jumped up and said, "Hey, I take offense to that!"
They all jumped and gasped, "Amber!!"
Next thing I know, I was engulfed in a big hug.
Corbyn said, "What are you doing here?"
I laughed, "Ask Zach."
Zach said, "I wanted her to come live with us for a while....she's my twin guys, I missed her."
Jack said, "That's cool, but...where is she gonna stay? All of our rooms are full."
Zach said, "She can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep in Jonah's room."
Corbyn said, "I'LL sleep in Jonah's room and she can have my bed and sleep in the same room as you."
I rolled my eyes, "Are you guys done yet?"
Zach said, "Yeah it's settled. Corbyn will bunk with Jonah for a while, thanks bro."
I smiled, "Thanks Corbyn, really."
Corbyn rubbed his neck, "Of course."
The boys helped me to Zach and Corbyn's room and when I opened the door....I couldn't believe what I saw. It reminded me of Zach's room at home....messy. I love my brother and I love Corbyn, but if I was gonna stay in this room, I was gonna have to clean it up a little bit. Corbyn laid my suit case down on the bed and hugged me, "Sorry about the mess but I know you'll be comfortable. My bed is the comfiest bed in the house."
I laughed, "I don't doubt it. Thank you again."
Corbyn said, "No problem."
Corbyn left Zach and I to our room and unpacking, while the rest of the boys went back out to the pool and argued about who's bed was actually comfier. I sighed and whispered to myself, "These Boys."
I smiled, got my bathing suit on and followed Zach out to the pool. We all squirted each other with water guns and had a cannon ball contest. So far, things couldn't have been any better.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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