Chapter 3 Some Things Never Change

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Amber P.O.V
    Zach had finally come home from LA and to make things even better, Ry, Reese and I were on Spring Break, so we all got to hang out more than we would if we had school. This was a blessing, but also a bad thing at the same time. Because we were around each other so much, it just gave us a chance to annoy the living crap out of each other.

I was laying in my room writing in my journal, when Ryan barged in. I said, "Ry, you're supposed to knock first!! What the heck??"
Ryan said, "Get over it!"
I said, "What's gotten into you?"
Ryan said, "Zach just told me you wish I was never born, and that you hate me. He said you cried to mom wanting her to take me back!"
I said, "ZACH!! Ryan I don't hate you, and I don't wish that you were never born buddy. Don't listen to Zach he's just trying to make you feel bad. I'm gonna go give him a piece of my mind. I don't hate you or regret your life in any way ok?"
Ryan said, "Promise?"
I said, "Promise."
He smiled, and hugged me as I made my way out of my room and into Zach's. I knocked, then walked in. He looked at me, laying on his bed shirtless on his phone smirking. I said, "Why would you tell Ryan that I hate him and regret him being born?"
Zach said, "He was annoying me."
I said, "About what?"
Zach said, "He kept asking me to play a game with him and you and kept bringing different games in here and interrupting my instagram time."
I said, "So you tell him what?"
Zach said, "That you hate him and wouldn't want to play a game with him anyway."
I said, "I don't know why he believes everything you tell him, but you definitely use it to your advantage."
Zach sighed. I laughed, and said, "Just don't tell our little brother that I hate him when I don't ok?"
Zach nodded, and I left. This kind of stuff happened a lot when we were little. Ryan would listen to Zach and then either get himself in trouble, or would get upset because Zach told him someone hated him. Zach uses this to his advantage and I wish he wouldn't. Later that day, I went down to the living room to watch TV. While I was sitting down on the couch watching Pretty Little Liars, Zach walked in singing obnoxiously loud and deliberately terrible. He sang Stitches by Shawn Mendes, a song he normally sings pretty well, so badly, and so loud. I said, "ZACH! Shut up! I'm trying to watch Pretty Little Liars! It's the season 7 premiere!"
Zach stopped singing, but only for about 5 minutes then he started singing again. This time in my ear. I said, "STOP!"
I pushed him away and he laughed. I shook my head and smiled a little bit. He knew exactly how to get on my nerves. He a stopped singing, sat next to me, then 10 minutes later started singing again. I yelled, "ZACH! Shut up!! MOM!"
He laughed, and I punched him in the arm then pushed him off of the couch. My mom walked in a few seconds later to find me deep into my Pretty Little Liars episode and Zach laying on the floor smiling. My mom said, "What's going on in here?"
I said, "Zach was singing deliberately bad, and very loudly and wouldn't shut up so I could watch the season 7 premiere of Pretty Little Liars!"
My mom said, "Zach leave Amber alone, now."
Zach stood up, smiled, nodded, then sat down to watch TV with me. As my mom walked out of the room, I heard her say to herself, "Some things never change."
I smiled, ultimately she was right. Even though Zach had been gone for a few months, that didn't stop us from annoying each other. So yeah, some things really never do change.

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