It's getting worse

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Kion and Fuli are almost at Rafikis tree to tell him the bad news.

Fuli: Rafiki you in here?

She ask worried for him not to be there

Rafiki: In here Fuli. Come on in!

The two felines walks into the center of the tree where they find the old mandrill looking at his paintings.

He turns around.

Rafiki: So what is the problem?

He asks curious

Fuli: Can you please take a look on Kion he is not looking great at all.

She says worried

Rafiki: Alright Kion let me take a look at you.

Kion walks over to Rafiki. He is looking all over his face and asks him a question.

Rafiki: Does it feel like you're lungs hurt?

Kion nods

Rafiki: I was afraid I would see this again

he mumbles

Fuli: What was that?

She is goes in circles

Rafiki is at an old painting.

Fuli walks over to him

Fuli: Who is that?

She sees a lion on the painting

Rafiki looks sad talking about it

Rafiki: He was an old friend of mine. Very good friend Indeed. But he had the same symptoms as Kion did. And I'm sorry to say this but he couldn't survived it and he died in the end.

The old mandrill is quiet for some time. Then he begins to talk again.

Rafiki: And I'm afraid the same thing will happen to Kion.

He looks at him worried. Fuli does the same.

Fuli: Okay so how much time does he have left?

Rafiki: It depends on how his symptoms.

Fuli: Well the last thing he had was the pain in his lungs.

Kion suddenly is having a panic attack

Fuli: What's wrong?!

She yells nervous

Rafiki: Oh no it's the next symptom. He's having a panic attack. But I got something to calm him down. Fuli in the meantime try to make him relax okay?

Fuli: Got it!

She runs over to him

Fuli: Kion I need you to calm down. Please look at me.

Kion: I'm scared Fuli

He says scared

Fuli: It's okay I'm here Kion

She nuzzles him and he relaxes

Rafiki comes in with a drink in a turtle shell.

Rafiki: Please drink up Kion

Kion drinks the whole shell and falls asleep

Fuli: He is cold sweating that's not good

Rafiki: I'ts because of his panic attack.

Fuli nods and understands

Fuli: We better tell the royal family

She sugests

Rafiki: Right behind you

Fuli picks up Kion and she and the mandrill is heading to pride rock

At Pride Rock

Rafiki: I'm sorry to say this to you you're majesty, but you're son if diagnosed with some kind of cancer.

Nala and Simba nuzzles each other with tears in their eyes.

Rafiki: I suggest he should stay in the den and have the last days with the ones he knows and loves.

He says sad

Simba and Nala nods

Simba: Thank you Rafiki

He says kinda quiet

Fuli lays Kion down on the rock floor and Simba and Nala goes over to him to nuzzle him while crying. Simba picks him up and goes into the den. Nala is about to do the same but get's disturbed by Fuli.

Fuli: Can I sleep by his side for the rest of his days?

She cries

Nala comforts her and says yes. They both walking in the den together crying

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