The Cockpit of a Jet

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(Esme's POV)

I watch a jet blast by above. It leaves a trail of clouds. It's pretty fast. My friend tells a joke. We all laugh.

"Ruben! You have jelly on your nose!" Marcos commented and wiped the jelly off of his little brother's face. We are all out on a picnic in the park! Harmless and safe for little Ruben who is only 5. Ruben thanks his older brother and continues eating messily. Making Marcos sigh and turn to me, Amelia, and Joshua.

"He's such a handful but super cute!" Amelia giggled and rubbed Ruben's soft short brown hair. I nod as I munch on my cookie. I had made a lot of soft cookies, they were delicious!

"Hey look at that Jet...I think it's getting too close." Joshua commented, sounding a little fearful of the sleek black jet that was starting to come down from its high spot in the sky above the park. Everyone in the park was now curious of what would happen next as the jet landed just off the side on the large grassy field. Marcos held Ruben close. Ruben whimpered, hiding his tiny face inside his big brother's stomach. Amelia and Joshua stood behind me as I stood just a bit off to the side of Ruben and Marcos.

Then suddenly we could all hear shifting. Like metal against metal, sounded...futuristic. The jet stood up! AS IN IT TURNED INTO A ROBOT AND STOOD UP. An elderly couple were making themselves disappear, running away in fear. Everyone was yelling and I think a man tried throwing a rock, it didn't work. Marcos and Ruben took off running.

"RUUN!!!" Marcos yelled and piggy backed Ruben, saying for him to hold tight. Ruben was crying in fear. Amelia held hands with me as we ran. Joshua was at the front of us, trying to help anyone he could. The panic in me rose to a thousand as the robot came walking over, the ground slightly shaking with each step.

I don't want to die! Oh god! The robot thing was gaining on us, it's footsteps so much more longer and larger than ours. I was shaking with fear. Marcos and Ruben were starting to speed up, thank god. I let go of Amelia, pushing her harshly forward as a hand with sharp claws came down and scooped me up from the ground. Amelia's high pitched scream of my name brought me to open my eyes.

I was now in the cockpit of the jet.

I struggle against the tightened seatbelt, it doesn't budge. I try to unbuckle it but the button won't release. I'm stuck! I tug on it and repeatedly press the button, trying to pull it free somehow with the little strength I have. I'm getting so tired suddenly. I should have slept last night but no, I had to stay up and research on the codes. Shit shit shit.

I stop struggling, I need to stay calm. Conserve energy. I look out the window of the cockpit and see that we are nearing a very large very scary Black hell ship. Oh no oh no! It's going to trap me there for sure shit! No shhh calm.

The Jet lands on its feet, holding me in its hand as it like transformed around me. It carried me into the ship, until we got to a large double door, it slid open automatically as he approached, allowing him entrance. I looked around at the thousands of other robots. They all looked the same with the red visor and no mouth. Purple and black seem to be a theme here. Then there is the scariest robot I have ever seen, standing next to a smaller girl robot.

"Ah Soundwave, What do you report my faithful comrade?" The biggest baddest scariest boy on the ship says, sounds male. Do these things have genders at all????

"Human pet. Useful to cause. Other humans inefficient." A monotone voice sounds with a few recording here and there. Again a male. I look up at the boy bot? Through his fingers and he uncurled them to show me to the big scary grey one. The grey bot leans down, looking at me.

"Hmmm very puny is it not Soundwave?" He asked with a half hearted and scary chuckle. Soundwave shakes head. He uses his other hand to help me stand. I stand fully and Megatron nods.

"Designation, human?" He asked.

"Esmerelda Gomez, s-sir. But please call me Esme." I replied softly but loud enough for him to hear. He nods then straightens up, glances at Soundwave then me.

"No one on my ship will have such a weak designation." He then thought for a moment, "SkyBlazer. That shall be your new name."

I nod, "yes sir..." Big Boss Bot claps Soundwave on the shoulder and tells us we are dismissed. Soundwave walks us out. Then we are in his room, a large metal bed, maybe a bed? I'm not sure. A computer is in here on a high pillar like desk structure. Soundwave plops me down on the bed and types away on the computer. The typing is comforting, a normal sound I'm used to in all this chaos. I lay down and shiver at the cold feel of the metal. Too cold. Soundwave types away forever as I just lay there, trying to think. Of what? Of escape. I want to escape.

I'm starting to get bored. I'm used to this now since it's now have been a few hours. I look to Soundwave's back. Who was that big scary bot? Why did Soundwave take me? Just for a pet? What fun could I be anyway? They most likely believe humans are inferior so-

"Esme: tired?" Soundwave's monotone voice broke my thoughts. I shake my head softly as I still lay flat on the metal, it's awfully uncomfortable. Especially without my pillow to support my head.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm bored, Soundwave." I respond.

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