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After making love to the woman that I am absolutely in love with, we took a shower together.

The way the water hit her caramel (😂 idk why but that's funny) skin had me wanting more and more of her, even after the aftermath of pushing our bodies to the limit. I pulled her body close to mines and kissed her neck from behind so softly. I wanted to be careful with her because she was like a gem who was worthy of being held ever so preciously. The softness of her skin and the thoughts of how I wanted so badly to give her more when it comes to life. My fingers traced her waist and admired each and every single one of her curves- my woman. Both of us I've known in my heart for forever since the day I met her. We were meant to be together. My heart is stuck on her like glue and if I were to let go, I'd blame myself for losing a Queen. I don't feel worthy enough. I want to feed all of her desires and when I fail her by bringing her heart aches. This isn't what love is supposed to make, my heart breaks because I look at what God created yet, I feel like I'm gonna misguide it. Knowing that I've pushed myself to the limit to bring her happiness....
Nothing I want more but I'm here and she chose me. I can't be anymore happier than that....

She then turned around towards me and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" She asked me as she rubbed my right arm with her hand.

"Nothing..." I said as I looked down into her eyes.


"Alright....Are you okay? You've been silent ever since we took a shower together." Cheryl asked me as she put her head on my chest and intertwined our fingers together.

"I just-...I don't want to hurt you." I said as I looked down and watched our hands grab a sudden hold of one another. She then looked up towards me.

"You'll never hurt me." She said as she reached up and touched my face.

"I feel like I'm gonna mess up when it comes to you. I've been known to do that in my past but I want better for you, Baby. I feel like your Mom doesn't like me and I've been beating myself up over the fact that she thinks that I have something to hide from you."

Even though, I do have something to hide. I just can't tell would hurt her so deeply.

"Lay on your stomach." Cheryl said as she sat up and patted my chest lightly.

"Huh?" I said as I slightly sat up.

"Turn over." She said in a cute, demanding voice. I did as I was told and started to lay on my stomach.

"Wait." She said as she stopped me from laying entirely on my stomach.


"Take off your shirt." She said. I didn't question her because I was gonna take it off anyways. I then got up on my knees in bed and pulled off my shirt. I could feel her eyes watching me the entire time. I then threw my shirt to the side, laid down on my stomach and laid my head down on top of my arms. She then got on-top of me and sat on my very lower back.

Suddenly, I felt her hands gently massaging my back.

"My Mom loves you. Also, I know why you're feeling that way." She said as she broke the silence between us.

"Cheryl, no she doesn't. Also, how do you know why I feel this way?" I said as I closed my eyes and started to get lost in the magic that her hands were producing.

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