Cheryl, Open Your Eyes- Pt. 3

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Apparently, I made Cheryl upset earlier at work because of the "joke" that I made.

So, now I had no choice but to make it up to her.

Once she made it home, I walked up towards her and suddenly hugged her.

"Get off of me." She said as she didn't even hug me back.

"Stop being upset with me. It was a damn joke." I told her as I stepped away from her.

"What should I make for dinner?" She then asked me as she walked away to go into the kitchen.

I shook my head.

"Stop it. Talk to me about this. Don't just change the subject, Alright? We need to talk about this because I didn't do anything. All I did was tried to scare her and then I made a senseless joke. My-fucking-bad." I told her as I leaned against the island.

"How can you just be so nonchalant about this? What you said and what you did was fucked up. You act like you....shouldn't get bashed at all. You let them hurt her. You did and then, you act like you didn't do anything wrong. This isn't something that you would do, Daniel. That's why I'm so-...." she said as she put her hand on her head. "confused as to why you're acting this way."

"How are you confused? I explained everything to you and what that whore tried to do-..." I said but she shot me a disappointed look.

"That whore?"

"Yeah, she's a whore." I told her as I cocked my head back and then nodded my head.

"This is your best friend that you're talking about."

"Cheryl, she USED to be my best friend. Not anymore after the shit she's done to me."

"But you calling her a whore is you going too far. What if somebody called me a whore?" I asked him.

"I'd break his fucking neck of course. Also, stop with this "what if" stuff- it won't happen because I would never let another nigga disrespect you." I said as I sat down in the stool.

"So, why should I let you disrespect her?"

"I mean-...okay, my bad. That was messed up of me to say. She's not a whore. She's just a....wack ass person. There? Is that better, baby?" I asked her as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I can't believe you right now." She said as she lightly rolled her eyes and turned away from me.

"I'm just playing with you."

"Well, Daniel- stop playing. It's really pissing me off. I don't play about things like this."

"I'd never disrespect a woman. You know this."

"You just did though..."

"Yeah, to see what you'd say. However, please- stop being upset with me. I love you and I just want you and I to be in a better place. I've been doing some dumb things...and- if it makes you feel better, I'll apologize to Monica about scaring her. As long as she doesn't disrespect me again...we're cool." I said as I looked at her.

"I'm still upset with you..." she told me.

"Oh really? How long can that last?" I said as I smirked and licked my lips.


The next thing I knew-

I had her in the bedroom;

"Open your legs." I said as I prepared my mouth for what I was soon about to reach.

I knew that she couldn't stay mad at me for too long but either way- I wouldn't let her anyways.

Once I dived in, her back slightly arched off of the bed and I felt her put her hand on my head to encourage me to go deeper.

"W-...woah." She said as she tightly closed her eyes while I continued to explore her and felt around each and every part of her . My tongue didn't miss not one spot and I didn't leave anything out that I was craving.

I could hear her halfway saying my name through her breathy moans but before she could get the "-niel." out, I moaned against her and became satisfied with what I had done.

Next, I sat up and I hovered myself over her while keeping my body in between her legs and started to kiss her so deeply.

"You taste so good." I said as we continued the kiss. Her hands then grabbed a hold of my face to signal that she wanted more of me. "Turn around, baby." I told her as I stopped kissing her to catch my breath.

She arched her back and that's when I slid in. I held onto her waist and grabbed the baby oil-... (SIKE 😂😂😂 msqueen_pepsii you thought I was actually gonna put that in there? FAWK no.)

I held onto her waist and watched her as she held onto the sheets with all of her might.

Next, I leaned down towards her ear from behind and kissed her neck so softly while I slowly stroked.

"Do you forgive me?" I asked her as I ran my fingers through her hair and lightly gripped it. She tried to talk but after I stoked deeper- her mouth opened but nothing came out. "Talk to me." I said as I placed my free hand on her hip to keep her in place. She couldn't move....unless I wanted her to.

"Y-..yes." She said as she continued gripping onto the sheets. I was satisfied.

"Tell me fully." I said as I sat up a little bit and watched the action from behind. I softly rubbed my hands down her back and then up her legs to soothe her even more.

"I forgive you." She told me finally. I then leaned back down towards her ear and softly moaned into her ear as I kept going. I didn't keep an inch from her- she deserved all of me.

"You feel so good. I love you." I told her as I then left some wet kisses on the middle of her back.

"I love you too." She told me in that sexy voice of hers.

She forgave me.


I'm honestly thinking about completing SKWSW ☹️  Like

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I'm honestly thinking about completing SKWSW ☹️ Like...I want to but then again....I don't. I can never make up my mind- ewugh. 🌹

I'm updating IDWBA again tonight...soooo be expecting that

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