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"Where were you, Baby?" Monica asked me as she sat on-top of me while we were in bed. She put her hands on my chest and looked me in the eyes.

"I was...getting some stuff done. You know how it is, Mon." I said as I looked away from her. She nodded her head and rubbed my chest.

I hated her touch. I wanted to move from her under her so badly. My chest wanted to cave in and disappear. I wish that it were Cheryl. Lord knows that I only...want Cheryl. Mon just won't let me break away from her and I just can't break away from her. Yeah, I do love her but I can't keep doing this. I can't keep going back and forth....Cheryl doesn't deserve that. She doesn't deserve the heartache that I can bring to the table if I were to let it slip.

"I just...missed you." She said as she touched my face. I slightly moved my face from her touch but not too much to where she would question me.

"What's wrong, Daniel? You've been acting different lately. You've been gone most of the nights and you won't even tell me when you're coming back home. You keep telling me that you've been going to your Mom's house every night but why would you just come home to me? What am I doing wrong?" She asked me as she continued to look down at me.

"Mon....I just can't keep sleeping here. I gotta spend time with my Mom and she kinda wants me there too. I just need for you to be patient with me."

"I am being patient but it's not fair to me. You know this. We've been married for 6 years, I need my husband to be at home....with me" She said as she started to look sad.

"I'll try." I said as I closed my eyes and wished to myself that she would just get off of me. My tongue burned because I wanted so bad to tell Mon that I'm in love with somebody else. Yet, she can't know.


I already knew that Cheryl would be at work early today so, I made my way towards her office. I tried not to visit her office everyday because I didn't need people around the office to know that I've been seeing her. I made a huge risk just by telling Tess and I need to talk to her about not spreading my business. I can't have that.

I walked into Cheryl's office, looked around and realized that she had stuff everywhere. I forgot that today her and Tess were going to present at the biggest meeting of the month. I walked up behind her, grabbed her by the waist and kissed her shoulder from behind.

"Why are you in here?" She asked me as she didn't even crack a smile or look back at me.

"Because I need to say that I apologize again about last night. I shouldn't have been late, baby. It was very rude of me and it wasn't respectful to you nor them for keeping you all waiting." I said as I continued holding her waist and looked down to admire her from behind. She then rushed to turn around.

"What's been going on with you lately? For the two years and 7 months that we've been together- you've never been like this. You get upset with me for asking questions and now you just make me feel like....I don't know." She said as she kept a sad and straight face.

"Nothing is going on, what do you mean?" I asked her in a confused voice and put my hands in my pockets.

"Why....did you act like you didn't hear Tess when she asked you that question yesterday night?" She asked me as she looked down at her hands and I could see that whatever I did- hurt her feelings.

"Tess didn't ask me any questions. I had just got there anyways. If so, I don't remember." I told her.

"Just never mind." She said as she brushed it off, turned around towards the project and continued working.

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