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"Fix your shirt." I said to Daniel as we finally made our way downstairs.

"My bad, my bad." He said as he tucked his shirt some and made sure that nothing seemed out of the ordinary. "Do I look fine now?" He asked me as he stopped walking and looked down at himself.

"Uhm..." I said as I walked over towards him and started to fix his collar a bit. I could feel him looking at my face as I concentrated on making his collar look neater.

"I love you." He then said out of the blue.

I lightly smiled. "I love you too." I said as I then gently touched each side of his shoulders and watched him smile at me as well. "Come on." I said as I then grabbed his hand and we made our way towards the dining room.

Once we made it, both Mr. and Mrs. Hawkinson looked at the both of us. Lardell smirked at us and Mr. Daniel looked at Lardell and lightly laughed.

"You two okay?" Lardell asked us.

I looked at Daniel and then at his Mom.

"Yes, ma'am. Why did you ask?" I asked her as I lightly laughed.

"Well...." She said as she picked up her second glass of wine and swirled it around a bit. "Just asking... " She said as she smiled to herself and took a sip of her wine.

"She knows..." Daniel whispered to me as we then started to take our seats. "Mom, don't make this any more awkward than it already is." He said as he reached up towards his head and smoothed his waves out forward.

"Well, a woman must do what she has to do in order to keep her husband happy. I'm not making anything awkward...we're all adults here." Lardell said as she shrugged her shoulders. "Besides, you act like your Father and I are no longer sexually active, Daniel. Well, we are...aren't we, honey?" Mrs. Hawkinson said as she looked at Mr. Hawkinson who was sitting next to her.

"Wow. Mom, too much information. I don't wanna hear that." Daniel said as he rubbed his forehead and dropped his head. "Please, don't..." He added as he sighed.

I couldn't help but to lightly laugh. Daniel was clearly very embarrassed and feeling awkward about finding out this his Mother is still getting her guts touched at her age.

"Oh, please. Stop acting like that, Daniel." Lardell said as she laughed a little. "I'm pretty sure that Cheryl's parents are the same..." she said.

"Hmm, if so, I wouldn't want to know either...." I said as I shook my head.

"Right. Anyways, let's put this awkwardness aside and call it a night, please. It's getting kind of late but thank you so much for dinner, Mom." Daniel said as he stood up.

"Come over any time, please. Cheryl, you and I need to get a start on this wedding. Call me when you're ready." Lardell said as she too stood up. Soon, everybody stood up.

"Yes ma'am." I said as I nodded my head.

After we all walked towards the front door, we gave each other hugs and finally said our goodbyes.


"Well, that was fun." I said to Daniel as he held my hand while we walked towards the car.

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