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(Aaliyah's diary)
Dear diary, lately I've been more a more distant person. My friends are worried out of their minds that Ethan's been cheating on me again. Especially since he hasn't been around me as much Anymore. I keep telling them he's not that type of guy, he's sweet and caring. Not disgusting and impolite, ever since I told them he had cheated on me they've been watching him like a hawk still keeping distance.
~Third period~
I saw Ethan in the hallways but he didn't say anything at all. At least not to me, he was walking with Alex, Grayson and Cameron. I'm clearly missing something, like my own boyfriend has been ignoring me. Did I do something wrong?
~End of the day~
Ethan's a total DICK, I tried to talk to him today and he totally ignored me. Like completely as if I were worthless to him, I tried talking to Grayson but he didn't say anything to me. He just ignored me, just like Ethan what did I do?
~My house~
I texted Ethan like twelve times and he still hasn't replied back. It's saying he read the messages but he's not responding to me at all. Maybe this is his way of breaking it off with me. Maybe he just doesn't want to be with me anymore, I don't know what to think anymore I'm done with his bullshit. Ethan if you ever read this
             FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!

(Aaliyah's POV)
I laid in my bed thinking about everything Ethan, Hannah, Grayson and Addison of course. Even Allison crossed my mind every once in a while. I felt a tear slip from my eye as I thought about Ethan I laid there in silence for a good twenty minutes. I grabbed my phone and headphones as I started listening to peaceful music that would send me to sleep quicker. I felt my eyes drooping downwards and I finally let them close as I fell into a deep sleep.

"ARGH, Hello?" I said with a sleepy voice

"Hey baby Gurl" I heard Ethan's voice say through the phone

"What do you want?" I said With an annoyed voice as I rolled my eyes

"What's wrong?" He asked

"Oh, nothing just that you haven't talked to me all day and when I tried talking to you earlier you ignored me." I said angrily

"And now its 11:57 at night and you wanna call me NOW?!" I said raising my voice now angered with him

"Listen babe I'm sorry, I've been really busy lately with all my work." I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone being aggravated with him. I put my phone on silent and went to sleep.

~The next morning~
I woke up sick to my stomach, I immediately felt myself gag so I ran to the toilet. I threw up a whole bunch, I had no idea what was wrong with me. So I immediately called Hannah,
(Phone call)
H: "Hey gurl what's going on?"
M: "I just threw up for no reason what so ever."
H: "have you been havi-"
M: "No, Hannah I'm still in the V-Club"
H: "okay maybe you're just sick, stay home today"
M: "will you cover for me?"
H: "you already know I will, besides I owe you from last week"
M: "Thanks Bestie."
H: "you're welcome bestie love ya, now get some rest I'll come over after school with my mothers soup."
M: "Yessssss, thanks love you too"
H: "Bye loves ya"
M: "loves ya too bye-bye."
~End of call~
I climbed back into bed turning on the Tv. I laid there watching 'Scary movie3'
Sooner or later I feel sound asleep.

(Hannah's POV)
I sat in class waiting for the teacher as he called everyone off one by one taking attendance.

"Aaliyah Ottrix"

"She's not here today, she's sick" I said as he turned in my direction."

"Okay, take notes for her to copy later on so she's not behind" I nodded as I took out our notes. I looked over to the door as it opened, of course it was Ethan, Grayson, Alex and Allison? They all walked in sitting at my table. Alex, (My boyfriend and besties bestie) sat next to me Ethan and Grayson sat across from us and Allison sat at the edge of the table closest to Ethan. I rolled my eyes and started taking notes, I felt someone grab my hand.

"Hey baby girl" Alex said winking at me I waved back pulling my hand away and finished taking notes. I dropped my pencil on the floor so I went under the table to get my pencil back. I saw Allison's hand near Ethan's private and saw Ethan rubbing her hand up her leg. I instantly got angry and pulled away up from under the table, I sat back down in my chair I looked at Ethan as he looked back towards me. I gave Ethan the Death Glare I felt my face heat up as I snapped my pencil in half and walked out of the classroom. I heard the teacher yell my name before I left but I didn't care I grabbed my belongings and left. As I drove to Nene's house I called her,
(Phone call)
M: "Hannah why are you calling me aren't you supposed to be in third period?"
H: "Yeah but your boyfriend sure does get touchy touchy with other girls."
M: "what happened?"
H: "I dropped my pencil on the floor and it rolled under the table, so I went under to get it and I saw Allison's hand near his private and his hand sliding up her leg to her skirt." I heard her cries fill the phone as my heart broke into a million pieces. She hung up the phone still crying, I drove to her house as quickly as possible when I finally arrived I knocked on the door. There was no answer I immediately thought of the worst and rushed to find my key. As soon as I was about to unlock the door it opened and there she stood, with tears running down her cheeks and red puffy eyes while quivering her lip. She ran towards me giving me a hug, I hugged her back listening to her cries fill my head. I stood there stroking her long black hair as she cried more and more.

"It hurts so bad" she said to me still crying as her voice cracked

"It'll get better, I promise" I said rubbing her back.

(4hours later)
She finally fell asleep, I feel so bad for her. She's broken, he's been treating her like trash and then he cheated on her. Like what kind of human does that, she's smart, beautiful and kind she cares for other people more than she cares for herself. She's caring and kind why in the hell would you treat her like that.

"What is he?" I said angered

"He's an Asshole, and a Dick" I heard Nene say as her voice cracked and she sat up looking at me. My heart broke when I saw her face, she has dried tear marks on her cheeks, red puffy eyes with baggs under them. Her lips were dried and she has an half full Ice cream container in front of her with a giant spoon. She began eating it while watching the movie that was put on,
'Scary movie 5' she laughed a couple of times. I looked at the clock and it was exactly 12:56 I looked back to her then to the tub of Ice cream she finished it all. And she was fast asleep, I picked her up wrapping my arms around her and struggling to get her upstairs. When I finally got to her room I laid her on her bed and tucked her in.

"No I have t-to clean up m-my parents are coming home today" she said with a sleepy voice grabbing my arm.

"I got it Nene" I said laying her back down

"T-thank you Hannah you're an Angel" she said laying down.

"No problem, love you now get some rest" I smiled heading out the door

"I love you too Hannah, you're my forever bestie even if I'm not yours" she said before I left I looked back and smiled. I turned the light off and closed the door as I went downstairs and cleaned up.
(20 minutes later)
As I finished cleaning up I ran upstairs and fell asleep in the guest room. Until I heard crying, I ran to Nene's room seeing her sitting up crying I immediately ran to her hugging her.

"Why does it hurt so bad?" She Asked me crying

"I don't know why, you love him so I would expect it to hurt but everything in life will hurt, but you just have to pick yourself back up and deal with it."
She nodded and fell asleep I laid her back under the covers and fell asleep next to her.

"I love you Nene I'll do whatever It takes to make you happy you're my everything, my best friend I will make sure you're forever happy" I said as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Authors note:
Hey guys I just wanna apologize for not writing my stories lately, I got the flu last week and I've been busy lately with school I'm so sorry for that but, I hope you enjoyed

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